I looked at Grammy.

"Honey, I can't tell you it will get better, but I can tell you you'll that your family loves you. When you hurt, we hurt," Grammy reasoned.

I furrowed my brows.

"I don't know how to handle it," I whispered.

Grammy smiled. "With help from family, along with love and laughter. If I learned anything from Lucille is you live, laugh, and love. Heaven knows this family needs all the laughter they can get now," Grammy mentioned.

I chuckled softly.

"Plus, you have us," Payton said.

I looked at my brothers standing around me, nodding.

"You're not alone, little brother," Parker mentioned.

"Let us throw you a life preserver," Patton offered.

"You wouldn't let us drown, and we won't let you drown," Paxton added.

I looked at my brothers, then my parents, grandparents, and Grammy, who nodded. I said nothing but nodded. My brothers hugged me as I sat there. I didn't know if I will survive, but I prayed that I did. I do know one thing; I will never open my heart to someone again.

We packed for school. I made sure I had everything I needed. Pops knocked on my bedroom door. I glanced at him and looked at my stuff.

"Do you have everything?" Pops asked.

"Yeah, I double-checked," I answered.

"The rental house's set and ready for you and your brothers," Pops mentioned.

"Yeah, I'll pick up my schedule and books, then report to the station house," I said.

"Presley," Pops said.

"It's fine. School and work will keep me busy," I replied, not wanting to discuss my feelings.

Pops looked at me with concern.

"I'm okay. Shit happens," I mentioned.

"You planned on proposing," Pops mentioned.

"Yeah, but I learned things don't work out. Marriage isn't for me," I replied, emotionless.

Pops furrowed his brows. I shut down my emotions after Eliza's death. Pops looked around my bedroom and noticed Eliza's pictures and stuff missing. He said nothing. Pops left me to finish packing.

Pops went downstairs.

"Is Presley packed?" Ma asked.

"Yeah, but Presley worries me, Piper," Pops answered.

"Why?" Ma asked.

"He removed the picture of Eliza and anything he had of her items. Presley's not the same kid we knew," Pops replied.

"Death changes everything and nothing at the same time. Remember when Lyric experienced Daniel's death?" Ma questioned.

"Yeah," Pops said.

"If anyone understands, it's her and my cousins," Ma mentioned with a look. That set things in motion.


I visited Lyric and Michael to get insight into Presley. My boy is hurting, and I feel helpless. I knocked on their door, and Michael answered.

"Hey, Lex. How's Presley?" Micheal asked.

"That's why I'm here. I need advice," I said. Michael nodded, and I entered the house.

I sat at the table, and Lyric brought over an ice tea for me. She sat down next to Michael.

The Gray Family: Legacies✔️(Wattpad Version)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon