After everyone politely introduced themselves, and the cooks finally brought the food, the tension seemed to diffuse just a little.

I helped Olivia fill up her plate, making sure she got enough protein in her.

"Shayne, that's enough. Are you trying to kill me?" She laughed as I placed another wing onto her plate.

My reply was meant for her ears only. "You're going to need the energy for dessert, baby."

"Shayne!" she said quietly, looking around for anyone who may have heard me. No one seemed to however. "You can't say that," she said, actually looking upset.

"What's wrong?" I asked, leaning towards her.

"I just—I don't want people to think I'm a slut, that's all." She slid a glance to the hickey on my neck. 

I looked at her for a moment, baffled by her words.

"Your cupcakes are heaven, Olivia," Drew said, wolfing down his third cupcake. Everyone agreed along with him.

Olivia looked away from me, a smile immediately forming. "Thank you."

She looked back at me, and then at her food and continued to eat quietly.

"Olivia—" I stopped short when my phone rang. "Hello?"

It was Freya. "We've found him, and I think there's something you need to see."

When Laura and Freya weren't utilizing their Harvard earned medical PhDs, they were some of my most trusted trackers; black belt champions too.

They were undoubtedly incredible.

"I'm coming." I ended the call and turned to Olivia. "We'll continue our conversation. Byron, take care of her until I'm back," I said, standing.

"Where're you going?" She reached out and gripped the bottom of my shirt, blatant fear and concern filling her face. "It's late."

"It's only seven, Olivia. I'll be back before you even get into bed, okay?"

"Are you sure?"


She let go of my shirt and I leaned down to give her forehead a small peck.

"Be safe," she whispered.


I jumped out of the brand new Jeep I'd bought a month ago. She was exactly the same as my old one.

May she rest in peace.

Freya was waiting for me in the parking lot as she leant against the hood of her truck. "He's not yet in. Laura is keeping an eye on him at the supermarket."

"Alright, show me what you found."

She led me into a posh little apartment building, somehow similar to the one Olivia and her mom had been living in. 

When we reached the fourth floor, Freya took us to the last room at the end of the hallway. She opened the door and ushered me inside.

The living space was well appointed and extravagantly modern. Stainless steel and marbled floors adorned most of the surfaces.

I was stunned. A place like this didn't suit a profile as creepy as the owner. Sawyer Davis.

I'd sent Freya and Laura on a mission to track the guy, just in case he'd pose as a threat to Olivia. Until now, I hadn't realized he did.

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