"Please, not again. You aren't easy to kidnap ya know."

I glared at Michelle. "You're not the one who dragged me. Hayden did."

She shrugged. "It was hard to find you and keep your arms from flailing around and scratching us."

"Whatever," I mumbled. "By the way, I thought you guys were supposed to be on my side?"

Penelope dragged her feet across the ground to stop the swing. "Yeah, but none of us like seeing the two of you sulk all day and ache to be with each other."

"It's just not meant to be," I said, looking away towards a few kids chasing each other around the park.

"Okay, he was being illogical and a bit of a jerk, but can you blame him? He's in love," Penelope said defensively.

"Dude, you two are meant to be with each other," said Michelle, picking on the grass around her.

"And he's leaving in two days. Do you really want last night to be the last time you see him?" added in Penelope.

I stayed quiet, wrapping my sweater closer to my body. No, of course I didn't want that. But maybe it was better this way. Maybe it's better to be angry at him and never see him again instead of crying over him and what could've happened if he stayed.

"A little warning would've been nice," I grumbled.

"I'm sure he had his reasons," said Penelope.

"Does he really have to take over his dad's business?" questioned Michelle. "Is it his decision or is his dad forcing him to?"

I nodded. "Actually, he told me once that he wanted to work with his dad someday."

"What does his dad do anyway?" asked Penelope.

"Um…I think Jake said once that his dad's company made software or something," I answered, shrugging.

"Funny, I never pegged Jake to be a computer geek though," Michelle said, scratching her chin thoughtfully. "I thought he'd be in the music biz."

"The guys would've made a great band," sighed Penelope.

I shook my head. "Only Leon and Hayden are serious about music. They'll be joining a music academy."

"And Kurt?" asked Penelope.

"Kurt…hmm, I dunno -"

"He wants to be a chef," said Michelle.

Penelope and I burst into laughter, but stopped when I saw the serious look on Michelle's face.

"A chef?" I asked incredulously. "Since when did he cook?"

Michelle blushed. "Well – uh – he does make the best brownies," she said, running a hand through her red hair nervously.

I nudged her in the ribs, grinning wickedly. "When was the date?"

Michelle gasped. "It wasn't a date!"

Penelope and I raised our eyebrows at her, staring her down. Michelle squirmed under our gazes before giving in.

"Alright, alright. It was a few days ago. He invited me over to his house and we baked together."

"Aww," Penelope and I cooed simultaneously.

"Yeah. We would've told you guys yesterday, but then…you know…"

"Wow, it's weird how everyone's being separated," Penelope suddenly added in, probably to stop me from thinking about Jake.

Michelle nodded, resting her chin on her bent knees. "Do you think we'll be separated too?"

Penelope jumped up from the swing and joined Michelle and I on the ground. "Well, I'm set for med school. You're looking at a future cardiologist," she said, grinning.

"And wherever my twin goes, I go," I said, high-fiving her. "I think I'll study psychiatry."

We looked towards Michelle who had a pained look on her face. She sighed, bumping her head on her knees.

"Ugh, I don't know what to do," she groaned. "I don't have any talents like you guys."

Penelope and I simultaneously thumped her on the head.

"Dude, you cook great…maybe you should join Kurt," I suggested, wiggling my eyebrows.

"Oh, shut up."

"But whatever happens," started Penelope, "we should promise to never lose contact with each other."

"Deal," Michelle and I said.

"Group hug!" squealed Penelope, opening her arms wide.

Michelle and I tackled Penelope to the ground, giggling madly. It was then that I knew that yes, whatever happened in the future, I'd have my two best friends, and the three of us would always be together.

After a mildly exhausting day with my besties (we went to the mall later, and when Penelope's in the mall…jeez…), I dragged my feet back home, flopping down on my bed as soon as I entered my room. However, as soon as I closed my eyes, my cell phone vibrated in my pocket.

Look outside your window.

I jumped out of bed and threw aside the curtains, looking down on the backyard.

Even though I knew it'd be him as soon as I saw the text message, I still gasped and almost got a heart attack when I saw a dark-haired man with a goatee standing over my mum's precious flower beds.

Mum's going to be so mad.

And not because Jake ruined her flowers.


A/N: Time for 'The Talk'...dundundun! lol. Thank you so much for reading and supporting this story! Really means a lot guys. Just 10 more chapters to go before the end!

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