Some Truths

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Sinking as a failure into nothingness
Filled with so much anger, hurt
And loneliness

I don't sit with the ones that mean most to the masses
I carry myself all the way out of sight
For some peace and quietness
Yes I'm a loser
I'm not new to this

I'd like to stop me but I'm also comfortable
Harsh truth, but a couple quotes kicked me in the gut
"90% of your problems are your fault"
"Money can't pay for your problems. Stop feeling bad for yourself. Advises and pity won't solve them. You've got to fix them yourself"

I'd like to breakdown but I'm also tired of wanting to cry
Maybe I don't deserve it
And even if I do cry,
What do I do after?

What I say I'm after and what I am now...
It's looks like a recipe for disaster
Am I really grateful for this blessing?
Or am I always going to be comfortable complaining?

I can't stop consuming
How will you lose what's holding you back
If you don't shed it from yourself?
You don't follow through with the moves you say you'll do
Your consistency is poor
And that is something you'll always be if you don't change
There's different ways to be it too
Not just financially

Talk the truth about yourself even if you're ashamed
Be the change you want to see in yourself
There are no handouts but in this world
We all need help, my teacher said

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