I've just had enough of keeping everything in, I want to scream, shout and weird enough laugh. So much has happened and I don't think I'll be able to handle anymore, with me crying now, I feel so stupid, stupid for crying yet relieved for it instead of me being a maniac, throwing things around. I don't know how long I've been like this but all I know is that I can't sleep nor can I keep my thoughts simple, I'm angry at my mom from keeping me away from Connor yet guilty for hurting her, I'm mad at the whole Caleb situation, if only we never saw each other again ,though soon with time I believe we would have.

Oh gosh, I hate this, being so caught up on situations that seem to not have any light or solution. A sob escapes me and it's almost like I was waiting for it, now I'm sobbing quietly, wanting to just let some of my frustrations out.

Maybe this is for the best, maybe letting all of this out can give me a sense of breathing fresh air, I might not be getting my way or having any thing good at the moment but at least, some of that weight is being lifted off.


A long nice shower is what I needed today, it's been a few days since being home and I can say that a part of me still can't believe I'm here, my mom and I are speaking little by little, I can't hide that I'm still a little mad at her but I won't be bitter or anything like that. She was right, we have been through a lot together and as upsetting as what she did to me was, I couldn't imagine losing my mom or what we have.

Getting out of my room I head downstairs, only to end up halfway when I get the surprise of my life. Voices come from the living room, I know that one is from my mother and the other......

Now standing in the door way in my living room, I see her, Vicky, gosh it's been quite a while and damn I've missed her. I watch as both females talk, sitting across from each other, I can sense a bit of real and serious talking going on but the atmosphere changes right, when mom's eyes move past Vicky to me, leading Vicky to look over her shoulder too.

" You're here?" That's what comes out of my mouth, sounding more of a question.

Standing up to face me, her smirk comes up. " Is that how we're greeted nowadays?"

Crossing my arms and suppressing a grin, I respond, " well only for late comers."

"Oh don't get sassy with me young lady, come here." She opens up her arms for me and I'm quick to engulf her in a big hug.

What can I say, I've been lonely......

Once seated and have started rolling into conversation, do I realise that my mom has gone, giving me more room to talk without limit.

" So Miami huh?" Vicky starts.

" I'm sure you heard all the gory details." I mutter, looking away.

" I might have but I want to hear from you, the best parts."

My eyes snap to her, noticing a small reassuring smile from her , now finding my own I begin.

" Freedom, that's what it felt like. I found myself smiling more than I've ever smiled, everything was just so big and the atmosphere." I start shaking my head slightly , noticing how carried away I'm being, right when reality is hitting me on my face.

" And Connor?" She trails off, seeming to test the waters.

I swallow hard because this is the first time, ever speaking of him, since mom never seems to want to mention anything Miami related, especially Connor.

" I miss him." I whisper, closing my eyes for a second before reopening them again.

We remain in silence for a while, neither one of us having anything to share after my declaration.

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