What About Leelu?

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Nigel's POV:

I stood atop the ship roping in a metal thing I found floating thought space once it's within an arms reach I look out to the stars and nothing new or interesting so I go back inside putting the thing in the normal place having to dodge the chicken again and sitting at the table till my mum comes past setting the table for dinner "helmet off when you're in the house" she says hitting the helmet so I sigh take it off and run my fingers thought my hair

"whats up with you?" she asks

"what?" I reply 

"you've got that look," she says

"what look?" I ask

"that look," she says

"its that smitten of a girl look," my grandfather says

I then sigh knowing they've caught me

"that girl, Nigel we've been thought this she's spinning around the earth the wrong way, tell him," my mother says

"what your mother means is there's no point wanting something you can't have," my dad says filling my bowl with soup "you meant to me wedded but you can't have a girl going the other way we told you this Nigel" my dad adds

"I appreciate that its not that girl," I say quietly 

"what about the Robinson daughter three pods down" my mother suggests

"she's half my age" I reply

"so wait till she isn't, be patient," my mother tells me

"what about Leelu?" I ask and my mother looks very UNhappy with that suggestion 

"NO" she replies sternly 

"why not what's wrong with her?" I ask

"just No" my mother answers continuing her dinner 

"what's the matter with Leelu, they used to be best friends," my grandfather says

"yeah, I was engaged to her remember, we there betrothed" I remind her 

"yes then we broke contact with them," she says

"so," I say

"what about the Jefferson daughter, she's always had her eye on you" my dad suggests

"she's a nutter" I answer

"so she's pretty," my mother says "there that's why not Leelu you haven't seen her for seven years," my mother says

"Maybe not but I have spoken-" I say but then shut up not finishing 

"have you been talking to her," my dad asks and I run my hand through my hair again and nod

"how?" my mother asks not sounding to happy

"the old radio we hooked up together still," I say

"Why didn't you tell us," my dad asks

"I wanted to talk to her and I worried you wouldn't let me if I have to wed let be wed the girl I like," I say

"I bet she's fit now" my grandfather laughs and I can't help but chuckle 

"Alright, talk to her we can meet with her family," my dad says I can't help but smile like 

"Really?" I ask 

"okay go tell her Nigel," my mother says still not sounding overly happy I quickly eat my food and run off to my room taking the spacesuit off on the way and getting out the radio and messing with it till I get a signal 

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