Fire Proof

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Axton yells into the echo, "what!?" Maya's voice fills with worry, "she left. Junior isn't here either. The photo of you is gone and all of her clothes are gone. Her echo is still here though" Lilith thinks, "she said she was holding from the raiders. Do you think she went back to her house?" Maya shrugs, "she could have. I'll call you back later. Me and Lilith need to handle this one." Maya ends the call and turns to Lilith, "we need to send the vault hunters to her house. You're old lair. The overpass by the old sanctuary place. Also to Liz and Axton's first official date on that cliff." Lilith nods and they walk back to the control room. Lilith walks in and looks at the vault hunters, "mission. I need you guys to search for Liz. She's gone and she left. Before I tell y'all where to go, check in with Moxxi, Ellie, and Tannis, they may know." Moze heads out the door and Amara steps up, "give me the first place." Maya speaks up, "me and Ava will fend off the Calypso Twins while y'all search." Lilith turns back to Amara and the other vault hunters when Ava and Maya leave, "after Moze gets back, Amara you can search her house. Fl4k can look by the overpass near old sanctuary. Zane can look at the cliff of their first official date. Moze will look in my old lair." Moze returns and throws up her hands, "they don't know." Lilith sighs, "it doesn't matter. Search my old lair down on Pandora. I'll send you all the coordinates of the places just go to Pandora." The vault hunters fast travel to Pandora and start their search.
Moze pov
'I got the fire hawks old lair. Pretty sick.' I make my way to the old lair and enter while killing all the bandits off one by one. With the help of my awesome military robot. I make my way up to her old chambers, but the only thing I see is old pictures of what who've I've heard his name was Roland and old Euridium. I look around, "this place is sick." I run my hand along some markings in different stones and then call the others, "no sign here. Just really cool old stuff." Lilith sighs, "okay well thanks for looking." I smile, "no problem. This place is awesome."
Zane pov
'I got their old date spot. I hope we find her. We could use her,' I think to myself as I climb up the steep cliff, fighting skags as I go, and confusing a few with my body double. When I get up there, there's no sign of her. I call the others to let them know. Lilith let's out a long breath, "we need to find her. Thank you for the check." The call cuts and I walk back down the cliff.
Amara pov
'So I get her house. The most generic place. I do hope we find her we could use all the powers we can get,' I contemplate walking up to the area of her house. No enemies which is a good thing, but I could use a good fight. I walk to where her house should be, but it's not there. It's been overrun by bandits. I roll my eyes and walk back and make a call to the others, "she's not here either." Lilith growls, "where the hell could she be? Well Fl4k hasn't called yet. Maybe we'll get some luck." I shrug, "maybe."
Fl4k pov
I walk to the overpass after killing spiderants and bandits. The bandit killing was fun when I turned the spiderants on them. When I get near the overpass, there's no sign so I check on top and still no sign, nor presence of her. I call the others and they say to just come back.
Lilith 3rd person
Lilith waits for the vault hunters to arrive and when they do she thinks with them, "where could Liz possibly be? She's obviously not anywhere near Dahl, or Axton would find out. She's not on the special spots on Pandora. Junior isn't even here. She's obviously leaving for a while, but to where?... Vault hunters! I'll give you you're next vault mission and I'll try to figure things out with our Liz situation."
Liz pov
I slowly open my eyes to find out I'm in a cell and Junior is chained up beside me with his armor still on. I try to sit up and even though it takes a bit I do. I crawl over to Junior and lay beside him, "at least they couldn't hurt you. Only chain you up. Don't worry we'll get out of this." I lay on Junior and hear a door open and a girl walks in. The girl smiles into the cage, "after all the talk I've had with him and this is what I find. You're not as great as he said you were. You and your pet." I struggle for words, "w-what are you talking about?" The girl giggles, "oh nothing. I'm just thinking out loud. I know one thing. Dahl is going to put you to great use." I run up to the bars and pull her towards me into the bars making her wince, "you think you'll use me. Oh sweetie I'm your worst nightmare." The girl smiles, "is that so? I'll break you. You're lucky I kept your clothes on you and let you have your remote thing you had on you. I did keep a little something else you had on you though." I growl, "what is it?" The girl's smile gets bigger, "a precious photo of Axton." At this I let her go and think, "you're Sarah?" The girl laughs, "of coarse. His original princess."My face saddens, "it doesn't matter he already cheated on me with you." Sarah smirks, "I know. He was screaming my name. Anyways I have better things to do. Bye bye." I watch as Sarah leaves only scowling even harder with random emotions of sadness mixed in. I sigh and lay back onto Junior, "they'll know I'm here. Just a matter of time. I would melt the bars, but they used fire proof bars. I guess I'll just sleep." I drift into sleep with Junior and let the worries not bother me.

Note: that was shocking. She was gone, but how will they find her. Axton doesn't even know. She still doesn't even know that the echo was fake.

P.S love y'all thanks so much for reading.

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