Visit to Dahl

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They fast travel to the battlefield and start to fight. Liz points at the bad guys, "Junior attack." Liz presses a button on the side of her pants and full armor spawns around Junior as he goes out into the crowd of bandits and bad guys. Liz commands to Moze and Amara to stand next to her and smiles to them, "watch this." She makes a forcefield around them and they waste no time and start to shoot. The enemies fall one by one and Liz shoots her fire bursts at them. She covers Moze and Amara and shoots a huge burst of flames out making the force field disappear and Liz brings out her wings to fly out to the remaining enemies. Liz shoots her fire at the remaining enemies and the pyro bandit tries to kill her, but she's resistant to fire, making the bandit confused as she takes out a gun and shoots him while in the air. Liz drops to ground and lands on her feet and shoots the bandit running at her. The bandit falls and she looks around, "Junior come." Junior emerges, trotting happily. Liz presses another button on her pants and the armor disappears off of Junior and she feeds him some of the dead bandit. Junior does his skag noise and Amara and her group joins Liz. Amara looks in awe at Liz, "what the hell was that bubble thing!?" Liz smiles, "a force field." Moze practically jumps up and down, "you are awesome! Can we keep you? Sorry that came out weird... I'm Moze and in love with war machines and technology." Liz giggles, "it's fine. My boyfriend likes things like that too. Also the name's Liz and that is Junior," she finishes, pointing at Junior. Fl4k is the next to speak, "I'm Fl4k and I'm a beast controller. I control animals." Liz bows to him, "respect. This little guy follows all orders." Zane steps forward, "and I'm Zane the operative and I'd say if you weren't in a relationship you'd be mine." Liz smirks, "charmed, but I'm happy with my boyfriend." Amara smiles at Liz, "and that leaves me. I'm Amara. Another siren." Liz shakes her hand, "pleased to meet you." Amara nods, "one question." Liz gives a huffed laugh, "ask away." Amara starts, "if you're not a siren then why do you have powers?" Liz raises an eyebrow, "good question. I don't know. I was born with them. I'm not a siren, but have really cool powers." Zane stares in awe, "hot... I mean I did- I didn't say anything...but I are hot and..." Amara yells at him, "shut up!" Zane shuns away, "okay." Liz giggles, "anyways let's get back to the ship. I have another job for you guys. I'm going to head back and come find me when you're ready." She goes to the fast travel with Junior and spawns back to the ship and goes to where Lilith is. She walks over to the center table and Lilith walks over to her, "where's Axton been?" Liz sighs, "he went back to Dahl and working for Sarah again. I trust him with all my heart, but I'm worried. Now that he's opened the vault she's going to try to worm her way back into his life. I know she will. I've done every trick in the book before. I know how it is. That's why I'm visiting him. I just want to see him." Lilith puzzles, "okay. Well you have fun with your not burning Sarah alive and I'll work on getting my powers back." Liz huffs, "no, but for real. I'm kind of worried. I know she's going to want that ring back, but little does she know it's going to be mine and that spot is reserved for me. If she doesn't take it." Lilith puts a hand on her shoulder, "Liz Axton would be the stupidest person in the world if he went back with Sarah and ditched someone as literally hot as you. You're amazing and from what I've heard from the battle, Zane wanting a shot." Liz rolls her eyes, "yeah that's not going to happen. I'm going to visit Axton tonight and surprise him." The door opens and Amara and her group file in. Moze skips over to Liz, "so what do you need?" Liz turns to Moze, "I need you guys to look after Junior. All you need to do is feed him a human daily and I'll give you my remote for his armor if anything happens. Also if anything happens echo me immediately. Don't take him anywhere, or try to because he only listens to my commands. Not even his father's, just mine. I will warn you, he's a lover. If he jumps on you then just bait him off with his favorite part of a human, the hand. I don't know why he just likes hand." Moze smiles, "I'll do it. Fl4k can help. Where are you going?" Liz looks to Fl4k then back to Moze, "I'm going to Dahl tonight and will be back tomorrow night. All he needs is one human for tomorrow." Moze nods and Liz pets Junior then heads out the door tossing the remote to Moze. Moze waits till she leaves and jumps up and down, "she's cool. I won't let her down. Fl4k come with me to Junior. We have a job." Amara and Lilith roll their eyes and Zane chuckles, "that just leaves me and Amara then." Liz gets Uridium and teleports to Dahl. Dahl is fighting a battle to keep out some bandits and Liz flies over view and sees Axton. She shoots fire at one of the bandits and he burns to death. Axton puzzles and looks up to see Liz. Liz drops to the ground and hugs Axton. They fall to the ground and he kisses her roughly a few times. His fellow Dahl soldiers huff. One smirks, "you know you have your own room for that." Axton gets up and pulls Liz up as well and turns to his Dahl mates, "this is my girl, Liz." Liz awkwardly waves and one nearly drools. The closest one to Axton pats him on the shoulder, "good for you lad you got a hot one right there. Huge upgrade from the last one." Liz blushes a bit, "thank you. I'm Liz. Also want to know a secret." The guy nods his head and Liz smiles, "watch this." She steps back and pulls out her fiery wings and hovers above them. Liz giggles, "sick right?" They all shake their heads yes in awe. Axton brags, "she can do a lot more than just that and I'm not just talking about the powers either." Liz drops back down and grins, while hugging Axton, "he's not wrong." The men laugh and they all walk back to Dahl. Liz puts out her wings and flies above them until they reach the Dahl gates. One of the men grunts and looks at Axton, "where was she when we were getting our asses kicked?" Liz giggles, "I have my own life too. I'm working with my twin. My powers now that you know stay a secret. If Dahl finds out they'll kidnap me and hold me here and use me." She drops to the ground and one of the men looks at her, "or what'll happen?" Liz looks at a plant near by and shoots the plant with fire and smirks, "that'll happen. Anyone want to say a word?" They all cower and Axton gives a big smile while pulling her into him. That night they have a fire before bed. Sarah echos the group and one of the other men answer, "good job out there today, defending Dahl. Axton I need to speak with you in the morning about a promotion and Randy I need to see you about other things. Again, great work out there today." The echo ends and Liz tries not to show her anger, but it's hard when you have fire powers that make you lava hot when you get angry. Axton jumps back, "ah fuck! You're hot!" One of the men chuckle, "I think that's what we all think." Axton steps back, "I know, but you don't get hot to the touch unless... what's wrong?" Liz sighs, "I was trying to hide it, but I can't anymore. I'll speak to you about it when I feel like it." Axton huffs, "what's this about? What did I do wrong by just sitting here?" The other men get a bit awkward and just watch silently. Liz rolls her eyes and takes another sip from her beer bottle which is melting from her touch, "it's nothing you did although it kind of is, but it's not because of you." Axton puzzles, "what?" Liz gets up and walks out of the Dahl doors. Axton looks to the men and then follows her. He walks out of the doors and over to Liz on the side, "what's wrong? Just tell me." Liz sighs, "Sarah. She's the wrong." Axton gives her a confused look, "what about her?" Liz sits against the wall, "we don't see each other a lot anymore. Whenever we do I love it, but lately I've been thinking that whole 'I'm away I know Sarah's trying to wiggle her way back into your life thing' and I trust you with every fire power I have, but I've done that trick before and I know every trick in the 'how to be a hoe' book. Been there done that. Use the right tactics it works. She's going to want that ring back and want you because you opened the vault. I know it. She'll succeed and instead of me taking her place as your future wife she'll reclaim the spot and I'll be gone like a whisper in the wind." Axton sits beside her, "that'll never happen. I don't want Sarah. I want you. You're literally hot and more badass than she could ever even try to be. You don't just make the commands, you actually go out in the battle field and command. I've seen the strategy, it's legit and you're all about GSD. Why would I want her when I can have better? Liz you're better. No one will take your place." It stays quiet and then Liz let's out a long sigh, "I want her dead. I bet you one thing. If I came to Dahl undercover and she seen me getting flirty with you without knowing that we actually are dating, she'll try even harder to the point where you'll see what I mean... you know what? I think I'm going to do that. After I help Amara and her group find the vault I'm going to take over Dahl." Axton smiles, "that's what I was going to talk to you about. I wanted you to move to Dahl with me." Liz shakes her head, "no way. I'm not stepping one foot in their door until I finish helping Amara, Moze, Fl4k, and Zane. If they even do much as see my powers they'll capture me and keep me there for a weapon and use me. I don't want that." Axton slowly nods, "good point. If you're busy and I'm busy how would we see each other?" Liz huffs, "echo. I don't know. I'll visit every now and then." Axton smirks, "well then let's make the most of each visit." Liz smiles at him and Axton stands up and helps her up. He takes her back to the fire and looks at the others, "y'all may not want to go into my room for a little while. If you need anything, wait." One of the men smile, "don't worry I wouldn't want to. You go get some." Axton takes Liz to the Dahl building and sneaks her into his room. Axton lays her on the bed, "I'm glad we fixed things up. Also you know you're not allowed to even be here." Liz nods, "I know, but I don't follow rules. Especially not ones made by people I don't like...well hate." Axton smirks, "now let's make the most of your visit." He climbs over top of her and gives her kisses. He kisses a trail down to her neck and gives bites as well as kisses. The next day Liz wakes up and rolls over to Axton's back and cuddles him. Axton gives a smile and opens his eyes, "that's a beautiful feeling to wake up to. I miss it." Liz kisses his shoulder blade, "same here. Last night was a while waiting. I certainly enjoyed it." Axton rolls over and gives her a kiss, "I'm enjoying this morning even more. It's going to make me even more sad tomorrow, not waking up to it." Liz cuddles into his chest, "I'm going to hate it too, but I'll have to go because I'm only visiting."

Note: long af chapter, but went okay. Smooth transition from anger to sadness to seductive. Also as well as "GSD" stands for "getting shit done". Also as well as a continuing good start to this new story.

P.S love you all thx for reading.

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