Chapter Nine

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I carefully pull the thick covers off me as I remove myself from Vic's comforting bed so I can sit up. I reach over grabbing the journal before writing down the events from my horrific dream. I can still smell the fire surrounding me as it burned down a house. I'm not sure what house because that did not seem like the most relevant thing at the time, I just wanted to live. These dreams are getting the best of me right now. They don't really make much sense, especially why I started having them so early.

Shell turns in her sleep and reaches out towards me but settles on cuddling with the pillow instead. I smile while shaking my head at her almost childlike nature before closing the journal and setting it on the nightstand. Shell stayed over last night, and like old times, us girls stole Vic's bed while he slept in a pallet on the floor. We stayed up late catching up before passing out at a very unreasonable hour. I run my hands through my elbow-length hair while standing. I statically make my way around the sleeping lump of Vic before slipping out the door, careful so they won't wake. Once downstairs I head to that bathroom before heading to the kitchen where a series of clanging pots can be heard. "Alpha, Beta Isaac," I greet while walking towards my Alpha.

"Just Archer," he grumbles out. I grab myself a cup before pouring some orange juice in it. I lean against a counter while watching Alpha, I mean Archer, flip an omelet. I am always surprised when I catch the Alpha cooking, a secret talent of his that I have caught onto.

"I figured you would be rather happy this morning, seeing that you got your bed back and all," I tease.

"Between the shouting directed towards my brother and that loud seal laughter from Shell, I would have preferred the pullout couch."

  I feel myself smirk while remembering the teasing we shared last night. Shell and I were picking on Vic about his tracking skills along a variety of other things. It was a good night that helped me let go and not be so serious, which was needed after everything that has been going on. Shell also did her eardrum-shattering squeal when I told her about what Beta Isaac said. Vic just grumbled about how I should tell Archer because he's 'worried that a man of such high rank will use it to his advantage,' and then promptly shut up when Shell whacked him upside the head. "You allowed this to happen and considering that this isn't the first time we've all stayed together you shouldn't have expected any less," I retort. Alpha curses under his breath as his omelet falls on the floor. I make my way over to him before shooting him away and diligently working on the food. "Why is Beta Isaac here?"

"I offered to show him a tour of the pack and you are welcome to join. I would like to see this cottage you like in, I imagine no matter how small it maybe it is still pretty lonely," Alpha says. I just hum a yes before plating the first omelet. Why would he bring that up?

"You live alone?" Beta Isaac asks. "You're like sixteen!"

"I'm eighteen but I'll be nineteen in December," I grumble. If he thought I was that much younger than him why did he come on so strong? Given, I'm still roughly four years younger than the duo but that's not necessarily a problematic thing. Me being in high school is. Alpha doesn't know but I am aiming to graduate early which seems as if I may. With Wen all my decisions came naturally, we were in the same grade, the same classes, and the same pack. We worked well together, we had our fights like most couples but we were always on the same level in the maturity department... or so I thought.

Leaving without a word, a note, or really anything threw me for a loop. I honestly thought Wen was my first and last love. He was my protector and my savior despite all the things we went through. He would act differently and I just generalized it as him possibly being bipolar. He would be so loving either way it was just different. He would lock himself in a room and work hours on carving me a gift while going hours without talking to me or he would act like if he touched me he would break me. Other days it is like he constantly had to touch me by holding my hand or putting his hand on my back. Wen never hurt me, not in any way besides when he left but he would have anger outbursts towards other pack members. His knack for fighting is what made him a prime candidate as a guard for the future Luna. All he had to do was wait and I would've been his forever.

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