Sunpaw nodded. Now they were here at nofur's territory, the quest was getting dangerous and more difficult. They had to take risks, and they all believed the nofur was some kind of key. "Perhaps we should go to the shore. Maybe monsters that can swim might be hunting there. Or something more."

"I agree." "I agree." Crystalpaw and Shimmerpaw said it at the same time. Casting a small chuckle, they got into action.

Even though all of their paws was about to slump off, they quickly went to the direction where the sun rises. Forward and forward they went. And the ocean breeze told Sunpaw that the sea was close. And finally, her black eyes reflected the blue water. It was nice to see the ocean, whether she was a MorningClan cat or not. It still felt nice and calm and steady.

Shimmerpaw was the most excited, and both NoonClan cats sensed that without any word. The MorningClan cat's eyes shimmered by the sight of the ocean. It looked like she wanted to jump in and get her fur wet at any moment.

But below, at the borders of the ocean and land, was there. Crystalpaw's prediction, was correct. Monsters were resting on. And when the cats were staring at it, a male nofur hopped on to one of it. In few moments, the monster gave a growl like rumble. Than it walked few steps behind, faced the ocean and put the back towards the land. It swimmer, but it was more of walking to Sunpaw. It walked across the ocean towards the sun and it shrinks and shrinks, until it was too small to see. 

"Wow..." Sunpaw could not help her amazed feelings pour into words. Crystalpaw's jaw hung open. Shimmerpaw smiled at the ocean. Perhaps Shimmerpaw knew this already. It was her growing up place after all. Sunpaw, on the other hand, was punished when the Army set their base camp here because she angered the second command or something. Her memory was worthless to remember when she was seeing something like this.

Crystalpaw mewed. "I didn't think monsters would actually swim, nor walked on the ocean."

"Me neither." Sunpaw breathed. Shimmerpaw silently smiled her gaze softly on the ocean.

"I guess there's only one choice now." Crystalpaw said.

"Yep." Sunpaw made a smile. "I guess we should hide on top of the monster until a nofur orders it to move. Or, if we can convince the monster to walk."

Shimmerpaw backed up. "Let's stick with Plan A."

Hurriedly, and almost excitedly, the three she cats scrambled to one of the monsters. Careful that none of the nofur saw them, they invaded to one of the monster. The ceiling was open, unlike the land monsters. The floor waggled a little by the monster's breath. When they hopped on, the monster didn't react. Sunpaw even hopped a few times but the monster was still sleeping.

"Is this one dead?" Crystalpaw considered. 

"Let's see." Shimmerpaw shrugged. "C'mon, let's hide before a nofur spots us." 

The monster's back was hard like the nofur camp ground. It was nothing compared to a cat's fur. But they scrambled to a cramped up tiny den. Sunpaw assumed it was a small den for the kits of nofurs.

"Now what?" Crystalpaw hissed beneath her breath.

Sunpaw coolly answered, "We wait."

And Crystalpaw and Shimmerpaw did as they were told. It felt like forever, cramped up in a kit's den. But at last, Sunpaw caught a bump of a nofur's foot step.

This nofur was male too. And he walked around the monster few times estimating from where his paw steps hear. Than, unexpectedly, the monster roared a morning yawn. Did the nofur use some kind of magic?

No cat dared to open their mouth. In a few seconds, the ground moved rapidly. They almost casted a meow of terror when they hit the wall by the sudden movement. The monster is moving!

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