"Take a rest, Paris. You still sick." Dean says to me.

"I'm fine." I smile at him. "Here my card if you need anything else you can look out to our website and have online shopping." I said to him and give him the card.

"I will look out for your phone number actually." He chuckles.

"Sly moves." I laugh and shake my head. "Here is your credit card and your clothes." I smile at him and give him the credit card and the shopping bag.

"Thank you. I probably will return this tomorrow so I can come here again." He smirks at me and walks away.

"See you, doctor!" I smile and wave him a good bye then walk to my office room.

I sit down on my seat and looking at my computer then looking at the script book on my desk. I'm exhausted but I really have to work.

Suddenly someone is knocking on the door. "Come in!" I shout and keep reading my script.

"Already have lunch?" Cooper asks me. "I brought Chinese with extra egg roll."

"How could you know I'm here?" I chuckle.

"Blaine told me that you went to work." Cooper smiles at me.

"Yes I am. I couldn't stay at home all day so I trust him with the kids." I giggle and get up slowly.

"Careful." Cooper takes my hand and holds my hand.

"Thank you." I smile at him and walk to the couch slowly and sit down there. "Yeah he drove me here this morning actually."

"I'm kinda jealous because he lives with you now." Cooper chuckles.

"He is gay. I used him as my new baby sitter now." I chuckle.

"Okay here eat the food." Cooper smiles at me and opens the food wrap.

"Thank you." I giggle and start eating the food. "Uh this is delicious." I smile at him. "Thank you for bringing me Chinese food."

"I remember when we were dating, you were craving for food in the midnight and I brought you Chinese food and you just loved it." Cooper chuckles.

"I love every kind of food but I'm not as extreme as Blaine who got fatter after two months lived in New York." I chuckle and eat my food.

"So are you ready to move on?" Cooper asks me.

"I don't know. It's just too soon." I shrugs.

"Don't worry, I'm willing to wait for you as long as you want." Cooper smirks at me.

"But aren't you date Aubrey Peters?" I frown at him.

"Aubrey and I broke up months ago. Now she is dating a movie director but we are still good friends and deciding to raise Landon together. I thought I already told you that."

"I kinda forgot. A lot of things running in my mind." I sigh.

"It's okay to be not okay but somehow you gotta get up." Cooper smiles at me.

"I'm scared if I can't get up again." I said to him.

"Oh please you still go to work which means you can get up." Cooper chuckles.

"Not that." I laugh and shake my head.

"I know. I know. But you are the strongest woman I've ever met in real life. You can do this." Cooper smiles at me.

"Thank you." I smile back at him.

"Sometimes when I look at you, I just want to keep you in my arms and protect you all costs. You don't deserve all of these. For once just think about yourself please before you put the others." Cooper says to me.

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