
"I was thinking, after the reunion we can tell your parents the good news."

My heart-rate picked up a bit and I only nodded, leaning into his touch even more.

He chuckled and moved his hand up to pat my head, "you're just like a cat, you know that?"

I pouted and moved closer to him, hugging him again, "I'll miss you."

"You can call me, like you always do."

"Should I sneak out tonight?"

"You haven't done that since we were kids," his laugh made my heart clench.

"C'mon it'll be fun."

He chuckled again and pinched my cheek, "fine, I'll leave the door open."

"Not the window?"

"I don't want you hurting yourself."

"Pfft I won't!" I scowled and he laughed a bit more shaking his head.

"You're crazy, but fine I'll leave the window open."

We kissed goodnight and I made it back home just as Mom's car pulled up in the driveway. I swiftly ran up the stairs and locked myself in my room to avoid talking to her.

It was around midnight when I'd finished getting showered and dressed to go visit CJ when there came a frantic knock at my door.

"Y/N! Y/N!"

I almost jumped out of my skin. My mother has never sounded that panicked before. I pulled the door open to see her holding up a note with a visibly shaking hand, her eyes filled with tears and my heart stopped beating instantly.


"It's Tamara."


Present Day

I stumbled back in a daze. There were so many things happening inside me from the flood of memories that were taken away from me, memories of feelings that were so overwhelming I wondered how I could have ever forgotten them in the first place. I'd been numb for so many years that I felt like my mind was going to melt from the sudden wave of emotions.

New emotions too. Emotions I'd thought I would never feel again. Two days ago I was sure I was the happiest person alive and now I realise that it was all a farce. Offenderman wasn't who he'd claimed and our daughter-

Bile rose in my throat and I almost threw up, tears flowing down my cheeks.

Offenderman had made me forget everything before that night in the woods.

According to my newly restored memories I'd gone off to look for Tam with both my parents (my dad had rushed home when he got the news).

A few more people in the neighborhood joined in, crying out Tam's name.

CJ joined me too, along with his parents and for the first time my Mom and Dad didn't frown at him in disapproval. It was close to an hour into searching for Tam that I started to feel an urge to slip away from the crowd.

The feeling clouded my senses, telling me if I just went that way quietly I would find my sister. So I followed it, diverging from the path I was currently walking with CJ as we both called for Tam to come home. I noticed CJ turning to see where I'd gone and that was the last thing I would forget as I slipped behind a tree to continue the search that ultimately led me to... him.

It was weird, after all this time, to suddenly regain some of my lost memories. To remember someone I'd forgotten I ever lost in the first place. It was like a hole had opened in my chest.

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