For the past ten or so minutes, Hoseok was leaning on Y/N's doorframe, unaccepting the fact that she had ended her story in suspense. He didn't get the concept of a cliff hanger. She hadn't revealed the face of the murderer in the story and she watched Hoseok's face show a mixture or surprise, anger and displeasure at that.

Well, not all of the mysteries in life get uncovered, do they?

"But how can it be!"

"I already told you that's the end! I didn't intend to characterize the murderer anyways!" Y/N sighed frustratingly.

Hoseok handed her the book in frustration. However, his annoyed expression had completely changed into a hopeful, somewhat excited one.

"Hey sweetheart, would you mind helping me put up all my decoration? I'm having a birthday bash tonight! Of course, you are invited!" he squealed excitedly.


The nonchalance in her voice covered up her happiness. Yes she was happy that she could spend time with him by hanging up the decorations. But what she was really happy about was that she and Hoseok shared the same birthday!

She glanced at the calendar that hung on the wall – 18th of February. Is that why his passcode was 18 02?

Hoseok and Y/N entered his house to put up the decoration of his birthday party. There were boxes of streamers and colored lights. There were plastic cups and plates.

Both of them hung the streamers and strings of light off the ceiling (it was actually only Y/N since Hoseok was scared of heights), and packed large bowls with snacks. There were bottles of soft drinks and plastic plates stacked up in piles. There were disco balls littered all over the place.

During the process of making Hoseok's living room into a full blown birthday bash, there wasn't a moment that Y/N could remember where she didn't laugh. Not her usual sarcastic laughs, but hearty and genuine ones. Hoseok always seemed to make her all giddy inside. He always seemed to reawaken a childhood that she didn't experience. He cracked jokes, and his crow-like screeches broke the mask of seriousness and instead split her face into a wide grin.

Soon enough the room looked fabulously decorated. Y/N and Hoseok looked at it as though they had just become parents.

After a few exchanges of smiles, the doorbell rang and Hoseok went to answer it.

"Hey, Hyun Jin! Thought you'd never come! I asked my neighbor to help me since you told me you were going to take a while. Come in!"

And as Y/N shifted, she saw a girl that bleached blonde hair and ridiculously think eyelashes. Her nose was pointed and her cheeks were shallow. Her lips were thin and her skin was the fairest she'd ever seen. She was really foreign-looking, to the point where Y/N thought she wasn't Korean. Her figure was slender and a black dress that cut tight into her skin covered her body. She was rather beautiful, almost like a magazine model.

Y/N looked at her with bewilderment. And then Hyun Jin spoke up –

"Hi! Nice to meet you, I'm Hyun JIn. And you are?"

Y/N knew that voice. That girly, sickeningly sweet voice was the same voice she had heard that night. Hyun Jin was the girl that Hoseok had over that night.

Anger crawled up her chest and Y/N could almost feel her fire behind her eyes. Hyun Jin looked at Hoseok confused and when Y/N had ignored her greeting. Hoseok just chuckled.

"Nah, she isn't exactly the social type. But her name is Y/N."

Is he implying that I'm not fun?

Sweetheart (J.HS)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon