Chapter 1

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I decided this is what Sammy looks like right now. 

Also I didn't draw any of these pictures. I'm not THAT good.


(Your POV)

I walked though the hallways of the Music Department. I thought I was the only one there. I then heard a familiar tune paying on the piano in the Recording Booth.

I smile. Must be Sammy. Nobody else can play that like I know. 

I sneak into the booth and, low and behold, there was Sammy. Playing away on the piano. I surprise him by coming up behind and singing the song being played.

He's startled, and messes up some notes, but brushes it off good-naturedly. I sit down on the piano bench, and he continues to play as I sing. Then he finishes up with a final chord. 

"You scared me." he says, laughing. I smile at him. 

"I heard a familiar song and I couldn't resist." I say. He smiles at me warmly. 

"It always makes my day to hear you sing my songs." he says. "Something about your voice makes it better."

I smile, embarrassed. I feel my face get hot. He's sweet like that. Always good to be around. 

"Just regular old me!" I say, trying to cover up my embarrassment. "Nothing THAT special..."

"You'd be surprised." he says. I feel my face get even HOTTER. 

Sammy, why...

"I...I'd better get back home...I don't want Henry to worry..." I say sheepishly. I get up from the bench and head for the door, hiding my blushing face. 

Just then I felt a sudden pain in my chest. 

I begin coughing uncontrollably, hacking up blood without knowing. 

The rest is a blur.

Doctors, beeping monitors, and Sammy's concerned face.

The coughs and pain.

The want to sing again one day.

Wondering forever if it would all be gone.

I had learned, that it was cancer. Lung cancer.

I remember Sammy wanted to stay in the Hospital until I was fine. But Joey wanted him in the studio more than ever. Had "big plans" that needed him. 

"I'm sorry...I have to go." he said, standing beside my bed and caressing my hand gently. "I'll come back when I can. Just please don't die."

I was hooked up to a breathing mask, but I smiled, whether he could see if or not. 

"I'll fight through it." I said weakly. "I'll sing for you when I get back."

He smiled at me. I could tell he was forcing it out for me. 

And while he walked to the door, he still held my hand until our very fingertips parted.

He opened the door and looked back at me in my hospital bed.

He smiled at me sadly before closing the door behind him.

(Sammy's POV)


(Y/N) didn't deserve that. 

She's too perfect to have anything like that happen to her. 

Joey buried me in work so I couldn't see her. I wanted to get through it all quickly so I could see her, ask if she was getting better. 

Then Joey put distractions on top of me. 

The Ink Machine and its noisy pipes, a valve in my office.

The stress to get it all done. To see her. The hope that she just might sing for me again.

That she'll live.

It was all so much to think about. So much to bear. 

The days stretched on into an endless abyss of years.

The studio fell apart.

So did I.

I became a being from the very thing that made me insane.

I was a monster now.

I worshipped the cartoons that kept me from my darling I so desperately wanted to see. 

The demon I used to despise, I now am his prophet. 

He might bless me in a way that I might see her again. 

Then she might sing for me again.

Like we used to.

Like we used to. 

Monster...Not  (Sammy Lawrence x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now