EP. 1 Pilot: Part Four

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••• Episode 1. Pilot: Part Four •••


"Okay Simone, thanks for telling me." Matthey spoke into the phone.

"You are welcome sir." Simone responded and hung up the call.

Whatever news Simone shared with Matthey hiked up his already heightening stress levels. He exhaled heavily and sat down on the bed next to his wife—Nina.

"I have become my worst nightmare." He looked at his wife and ran a hand down his face. His temporal veins were evident and protruding—almost like they were gonna pop anytime.

"What did Simone tell you that got you looking like the world is about to end?" Nina raised an inquisitive eyebrow. Matthey didn't reply immediately and when he did, Nina was shocked and befuddled by the response.

That even piqued her already starved interest.

"I am sorry." Matthey said and stared into his wife's beautiful black eyes with utmost remorse. Those gorgeous dark orbs that rendered him weak and speechless the first day he laid his eyes on her. "For everything." He continued.

"What is this about Matthey?" Nina questioned Matthey with deeply furrowed eyebrows, wrinkling her forehead in the process. Nina noticed that her husband hasn't been okay lately. He was always on edge and angry... always looking exhausted. His behavior sometimes even erratic.

Now he was apologizing.

And one thing she knew about her husband after all these years of marriage was that he was cruel and unapologetic. Yet, she still loved and adored the bastard wholeheartedly.

Nina's mind was going haywire with questions but her husband wasn't forthcoming with answers she so desperately needed.

Instead, he stood up and said, "I have to get to work. I am running late."

"Going? After you left me gobsmacked, confuse and with a lot of questions? You can't he going now. Like—"

"Last time I checked I still had a job and a family to feed." Matthey interrupted his wife's ranting, picking up his briefcase from the chair next to the dressing table.

"No." Nina yelled irritatedly glaring at her husband's disappearing back. "No... Matthey wait." She shouted forcing her feet into the slippers—that task alone seemed laborious and that irked her even more.

She ran after her husband with slippers that weren't fully on as if her bum was on fire. What a grave mistake that was because before she knew it, she collided face first with their bedroom door as she was exiting it.

Ooohh, and what a nasty bump that little accident left on her forehead.

"Dammit!" she cursed angrily in pain, massaging away the painful little dent that was forming on her forehead—still on the move. "Matthey for God sake, I am talking to—"

"Later!" Matthey shouted exiting the house.

If Nina thought her husband asking forgiveness for everything he did was mind-blowingly and mouth-gapingly surprising, what she just witnessed was downright rude and so shocking... she even felt a bit scandalized.

"Roselyn? Morning." Matthey greeted the other woman who was about to knock with a handshake.

"Morning Matthey." Roselyn replied. "How have you been?"

"Good and you?" He inquired.

"Great. Is your wife home?" She asked the older man.

Matthey nodded his head yes. "See you." He told Roselyn and descended the three-step staircase of the veranda.

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