EP. 2 Moment of Silence: Part One

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•••Episode 2. His Home Going: Part One•••



Black clouds as dark as the night hovered above the town of Cripesburg. Raindrops pelted down the ground thunderously, muddling everything within its reach. Water coursed down the streets, filling every surface with a crack or a hole in it.

There were people, many of them, everywhere.

Running... looking for a hideout or at least, so we thought.

Until... the echo of painful cries and horrified weeps could be heard.

Within seconds, the streets of Cripesburg were painted red, rain water mixed with blood running down the streets.

It was bloody... vicious... chaotic.

A group of grieved masked people followed each other in an abandoned house on the outskirts of Cripesburg, there by the docks.

They rejoined their colleagues already in waiting.

Timothy was the first to speak. "Pastor Ian not anymore. Enough is enough. No more. This can't be happening- "

"Timothy, just calm down, okay?" Pastor Ian tried to calm his compatriot.

"Calm down?" Timothy yelled, tears flowing down his cheeks. His pain was evident. Everyone's pain was evident and Pastor Ian knew this. "How do you expect me to calm down after my daughter was murdered in cold blood? Seven innocent children lost their lives tonight and for what?"


A confused group of kids entered the choir room, their eyes moving from side to side in curiosity and question as to the mysterious emergency meeting that brought them together at the ungodly hour of eleven. And for scholars with devout parents and strict curfew, this was uncalled for but the message sounded urgent.

Hence, the reason they were walking around the room as if it was their first time in it.

The atmosphere was eerie... and quiet and dark. The only illumination in the room was that of the moon that shone through the window.

The teenagers didn't understand what was happening. Well, that was until someone entered the room and clapped their hands with a sinister laughter.

They all whipped their heads around in fright, all their hearts beating out of their chest, breathes shallow and deep. But when they saw the person that frightened them, they all exhaled in relieve.

"God, Diana. You scared us." Ronnie laughed in relieve, breathlessly.

"Don't scare us like that again." Charlene glowered at the other girl.

"Why are we here guys? I have a math test I have to study for." One of the boys complained, irritatedly.

"Same question I am asking myself." One of the girls said.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2022 ⏰

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