EP. 1 Pilot: Part Three

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••Episode 1. Pilot: Part Three ••


"Where is your brother?" Ronalda voiced her question to no one in specific as they sauntered, side by side into the school gate plastered with 'Cripesburg High School'  in colorful bold letters and the school emblem.

It was the first day of the new academic year. The student body very excited to finally be reunited with their companions after the buzz of the festivities.

Ronalda eyed the students as they laughed, smiled and hugged each other, recounting the happenings of their December holidays. Some just mere acquaintances, some people she considered as friends and others nameless bodies she saw once or twice in passing.

Angelique instead of answering Ronalda's question, gave Sam a look with  a raised eyebrow that irked the latter.

"Why are you looking at me? Answer the question." Sam scowled down at his big sister with her miniature height, his height and stature incomparable to his young age.

"Uh... probably because you share a room with him and I don't." She tilted her head bitchily like 'duh'.

That made Sam stop walking, his eyes narrowed in slits. "And do I God damn look like a darn chaperone to you? What about we go with 'I don't know because I don't give two bananas about his whereabouts'. Do I look like CIA to you?" Sam snapped. That left Angelique with her mouth half agape like, damn.

Someone took that moment to make their presence known, stealing Ronalda's attention away from the sibling rivalry. "Oh Jehova," Joe started with shake of his head and a soft sigh at the end. "We are screwed. He didn't drink his morning coffee, didn't he?" He whispered in Ronalda's ears.

Ronald shook her head no, chuckling. "Considering... I guess not."

"How are you?" Sam hugged Ronalda laughing at her response.

"Been good. The holiday was therapeutic. You?"

"Same here." He chuckled, refocusing his attention back to Sam and Angelique's argument.

Ronalda did the same, standing firm on her decision not to involve herself in their argument and getting caught in the crossfire.

"Dude, can you snap out of my panties and let me breath in peace—"

"Ha! You're the one to talk about panties? In case you were wondering my panties are perfectly fine, not caught in a twist unlike yours. " Angelique cut her brother short with a dry laugh.

"Dammit Angelique..." Sam yelled, trailing off with his eyes squeezed shut and a hand raised mid-air. "I don't know. Okay? And what makes you think I would even have an inkling of an idea where the hell he is? It's not like all our talks always don't end up in chaotic arguments."

Angelique opened her mouth to respond, her eyes set aflame to make her point but Joe interrupted her before she could get a word out.

"Oh, hi. I am Joe and I like arrive in 1928 when this town was founded... in case you were wondering and I also happened to—"

"Shut up and come give me a hug idiot." Angelique laughed pulling Joe into an embrace. "How have you been?"

"Good... and I am assuming you're too considering..." Joe wiggled his eyebrows. That made everyone laugh and Sam snort. "And you Sam? How have you been buddy?" Joe switch his attention to his best friend.

Sam grunted out a 'hhmmm' before he walked away without so much as a 'booo'.

"Oh, what a lovely friend I have. So friendly and cushy like marshmallows." Joe sighed dramatically making Ronalda snort in laughter.

"How much I have missed your sarcasm." Ronalda shook her head.

Someone let out a banshee-like shriek, making Joe groan in annoyance. "Please don't tell me it's the 'osmotic verbal diarrea'?"

"Nope. Cannot. It's her." Angelique chuckled softly. Amanda scurried to her friends, apparently having missed them to bits like a headless chicken, dazzled in glee.

Joe turned around slowly—cautiously, eyes narrowed infinitesimally as if he was preparing for an unwelcomed explosion in the form of 'The approaching beast' yet to wreak havoc upon the poor folks of Cripesburg.

She threw herself at Ronalda with a squeak shrill sounding like that of a dying rabbit, if that's even comparable.

Joe grumbled something under his breath with a roll of his eyes when Amanda started what he was sure to be wordy two page monologue not looking anything like a school girl but a model on a runway in Milan. Joe rolled his eyes at that thought. It's only her that will make school uniform look like designer clothing, he scoffed dryly.

"What is she doing?" Joe whispered conspiratorially to Angelique giving Amanda an annoyed head to toe as she continued rambling about how proud she was of Ronalda for scooping the best regional performer in her grade ten national exams. "Is this the part where Ronalda gets a 'I am so very abso-fucking-lutely proud of you' embellished Amanda-like welcome back speech?" He asked. Angelique shrugged her shoulders without any verbal reaction, very absorbed in the conversation between Ronalda and Amanda.

"I am not so witnessing this." Joe continued. "I think I maxed out my daily dose of bullshit. God... can someone talk like that? If she starts she goes on and on like with no breaks in between. So gassy, you know what I mean like... osmotic. The words fly out of her mouth you know like when you have diarrhea, the liquid-y ones, the ones that just squeeze through the rectum and the butt crack regardless of how hard you force it back? That's how this girl talks... her words flying out like a damn running-yellow-and-slimy-stomach." He sighed dramatically his face contorted in disgust. Angelique stopped listening to the girls, her attention seized by the nonsense escaping Joe's mouth.

She was conflicted between laughing at the gibberish he was sputtering and slapping the bejesus out of him. The latter sounded more appealing but she held back. "I wish she had a switch control button so that I shut her up at times like this." He huffed.

"Are you done?" Angelique laughed-snorted with an exasperated visage that screamed 'shut-the-hell-up-before-I-shut-you-up-myself'.

"Okay... point taken." Joe grunted, throwing a skewed eye in both Amanda and Angelique's directions before he walked away mumbling god-knows-what under his breath, walk-running towards one of his friends.

Ronalda chuckled at Amanda's antics—said her between quotations 'ciao' as she sashayed away from Angelique and herself which happened to be the only people left at their squad morning devotion.

Her eyes landed on someone who soured her mood instantaneously.

"You gotta be kidding me." Ronalda hissed, scrunching her face in abhorrence. "Can my day get any better?"

"What?" Angelique asked, following Ronalda's gaze. When her eyes settled on the person or people approaching them, she sighed dejectedly.

"She makes me feel like I am in a scene of Vampire Diaries cursed with the mere existence of Katherine Pierce." Ronalda sneered.

If looks could kill, Shontelle—the said approaching girl—would've been a pile of ashes considering the severity and the intensity of Ronalda and Angelique's gazes.

"Hey bitches. Missed me?" Shontelle cocked out a hip with a sinister grin that only screamed trouble.


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