14: Drey

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She left me crying on the floor in a pool of my own tears. How could I have been so stupid? Why didn't she just tell me what was going on? I was in physical pain, so I just laid there and cried. I kept thinking maybe she'd just come back. But she didn't. I didn't see her on campus. I didn't see her at parties. She unfollowed me on social media. She was really done with me. And that shit hurt. She wasn't just my girlfriend, she was my best friend since grade school. The only person who knew every single thing about me. I never had to hold anything back from her. It felt like my whole world had fallen apart.

Everyday I came home from class, I noticed more and more stuff was gone from the apartment. She was slowly packing shit away every time wasn't there. She never ever came to the apartment for the rest of the semester while I was there. I tracked her location every day. Even thought about going to where she was and pleading for her to take me back. But I didn't. I let her have her space. Because I knew deep down, it was all my fault. I fucked it all up. And I deserved every feeling I felt.

I didn't go to Reneé's lecture for a week after Aaliyah left. Wednesday night, Reneé showed up at my apartment to check on me because I wasn't responding to her calls, texts, or emails either. She caught me walking into my apartment and all of a sudden, I couldn't ignore her anymore. She followed me inside and pleaded for me to talk to her. "I cannot see you anymore, Reneé. You ruined my life!" She grabbed my hand and kissed me. "Let me fix it. I cannot let you go, Drey."

And in my weakness and vulnerability, I gave in. And I gave in everyday for the next two months until the semester was over. The sex was numbing. It made me forget about the pain I was in. And it felt good temporarily. Then I just got high and drunk when that wore off. "I'm not coming to your class anymore," I said to her while laying on her chest one night after she'd just rocked my world.

Her: Why not?
Me: I'll follow along on the slides or something.
Her: You need to come to class.
Me: Nah...the way I see it, you getting everything you need from me for you to pass me. So you're gonna do it.
Her: You don't get to make those types of demands.

"You're gonna pass me," I said sucking her nipple and going all the way down to her pussy, kissing it and licking driving her wild.

*ding ding* I picked up my phone and looked at it, taking a break from her pussy.

Instagram: @LiyahMarie shared a new post.

I clicked the notification and the Instagram app opened to a photo of her and another chick cheesing in each other's faces. I broke down. Right in the middle of giving head, the weight of everything I'd been trying to ignore came crashing down.

Reneé sat up. "What's wrong, baby?" I threw my phone on the bed. "Fuckkkkk!" She looked at my phone and tossed it back on the bed "Oh, honey..." she said stroking my hair as I cried in her lap. I bawled and bawled. She didn't say anything. She just held me as I cried.

Finally, I got up and went to the bathroom to clean myself up and came back to put my clothes back on. She was fully dressed sitting on my bed holding her phone and keys. "Look, I'm leaving the university after this semester is over. I've already accepted a position in Ohio at another university." I looked up at her.

"What?" "It's very clear where your heart is. You're never going to love me the way you love her and I get it. I can't stay here and ruin your life. I've done enough and you've got your whole life ahead of you. Plus, too much shit has happened to me here. I need a fresh start. And you're hurting and you need to get some help. Talk to someone. But I can't look at you like this anymore. It breaks my heart to see what I've done to you. I can't let you waste your best years on me. So I'm gonna go. You don't ever have to see me again. Turn in all of your assignments for the rest of the semester and I'll pass you. Okay?" "Yeah..."

She picked up my phone and did something and then sat it back down on my nightstand. "I just deleted my number off your phone and unfollowed me on your Instagram account. It's for the best. You can't contact me and I promise I won't contact you."

She stood up and walked over to me and lifted my chin up with her index finger. She kissed my lips one last time before walking out the door. And after that, I never saw or heard from her again.

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