It's a note scrawled in Yoongi's rushed producer-like handwriting. He reaches onto his desk, grabbing the paper and rubbing his eyes to read it.

Don't worry, baby boy, I haven't left yet.
I went to my hotel room to pack my stuff. Seokjin said he will drive you over to come pick me up so we can go to the train station together. Text me when you see this.
- Yoongi <3

Jimin smiles at the scribbled heart on the bottom of the page before pulling out his phone.

Jimin - 10:07am
Thanks for the note c:
That kept me from panicking lololol

Yoongi 🥴 - 10:10am
anytime, baby boy <3
i really hope to come back soon
imma miss you a lot :c

You - 10:10am
Yeah, me too...
Are you almost done packing???

Yoongi 🥴 - 10:10am
go ahead and have seokjin drive you over and text me when you're here

You - 10:11am
Oki doki
New Message - 10:23am
Here c:

Jimin eagerly hops out of the car to help Yoongi with his bags, and again they weigh just a little too much for him. He gets the trunk open and manages to heave the bags into the car. Yoongi chuckles at the younger and climbs into the car after the job is done, letting Jimin cling to him as much as he wants.

"You two might as well be joined at the hip now," Seokjin comments after glancing in the rearview mirror. Jimin giggles slightly, wrapping his arms tighter around Yoongi's.

"I wish we were. Then he wouldn't have to leave," he mumbles. Yoongi ruffles his hair sweetly and smiles.

"I'll always be right here, mochi. Right at the touch of a button." He gestures to Jimin's phone. Jimin slightly pouts, clearly a little disappointed.

"But I want you right here. Next to me. All of the time."

"I know, baby boy. I wanna be here with you, too. I'll be back soon, okay?"

Jimin doesn't reply.

"I promise," the older offers, holding out his pinky finger. The younger wraps his own small finger around Yoongi's.

"Okay." Is all he can manage through his disappointment.

~ ~ ~

Jimin became increasingly clingy the closer they got to the train station, especially when they got there. Jimin wouldn't let go of Yoongi's arm for hardly a second. He barely even let him go for long enough to grab his bags from the trunk.

Jimin, still attached to Yoongi, sulks through the crowd of people in the station. After some time (but not enough, in Jimin's opinion), Yoongi spots where his train will arrive and sets his luggage down in order to hug Jimin before heading to the waiting area. The younger squeezes Yoongi as tight as he can, desperate to hold him as close as possible before they have to separate.

Once Yoongi breaks the hug, he turns to grab his bags. Jimin impulsively grabs a hold of Yoongi's collar and stands on the tips of his toes, pulling Yoongi to him once again as he crashes their lips together. It takes Yoongi a second, but once he understands what's happening, he slinks his arms around Jimin's small waist and holds him as close as possible, giving in to the rhythm of Jimin's lips against his own. The sound of Seokjin's jaw dropping is almost audible.

Yoongi slowly pulls away from the kiss, resting his forehead against Jimin's.

"Text me when you get home, okay?" Jimin asks breathlessly. Yoongi manages a small nod, kissing Jimin's nose before pulling away completely.

"Don't miss me too much," he jokes. Jimin giggles and smiles.

"I'll try not to."

"See you, my little baby mochi."

"See ya, hyung."

Yoongi turns and walks towards his train, giving a small wave to Jimin before disappearing. Months worth of emotions from talking and working together and growing together piles up all at once in Jimin's heart, the words he never expected to say silently slipping past his lips, too quiet for anyone around him to hear.

"I love you."

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