Saw X Edwin H. pt. 2

376 11 4

The hallway is illuminated dimly. It's also a bit chilly as you cling onto Edwin. You're not even sure when you grabbed a hold of his arm. (Or perhaps why you didn't let go yet.) But, the fact that he's clinging to you as well says a lot about the situation.

Both of you are sauntering down the corridor and every door you try has been locked except for the one at the very end.

You push the door open carefully and the moment you're both inside, the door now slams shut.

You both begin banging and ramming into the door recklessly as if that would help it open back up again before a deep static voice cuts through a speaker in the corner of the room.

"I hope you didn't think that was the only thing that I had up my sleeve? Before you both is a ladder that leads to another room. Under that ladder you may spot a series of blades ready to chop up whatever it encounters. Make your way across, or you can wait to see what happens when you don't. I'll be generous this time however, 20 minutes on the clock. Time's ticking."

Edwin looks at you and his eyes are tearing up but also so are yours and he grabs your hand before stepping on the ladder hesitantly.

It wobbles and begins swaying side to side which makes you extremely nervous so you begin whining.

"Please be careful."

He nods and swallows deeply as he tries again to step on to the ladder, but this time you pull him back.

"Okay maybe there's another way, if you try to walk straight across I'm sure you have a higher chance of falling..we should do hands and knees?"

He takes a moment to comprehend this before taking your advice and proceeding to crawl across.

The ladder still sways a bit but not as much and once he's halfway across, you trail behind him slowly.

The door opening from the way you both came in immediately catches both of your attention and now stands three of you.

You, Edwin, and a very scary-looking man who clenches several large knives in his hands.

You think you can visibly see Edwin's eyes grow as big as saucers when the man raises the knife and heaves it towards you.

You scream and duck down as it flies overhead, Edwin does so as well when it comes in close proximity with him.

The man begins hurling them faster now and you're hollering at Edwin to move forward but, if he moves too fast he knows the ladder will sway recklessly and cause one of you to fall.

"Go! Please go!" You sob and his heart clenches in his chest at your fearful pleading. He tries to move just a bit more hastily so that he can get there faster without making the bridge move and you're getting closer to him in fear of the man behind you.

The knives are soaring and you and Edwin dodge them easily at first, until one brushes your arm slicing it just at the surface.

The random pain throws you off and suddenly you're reaching up to clutch it without much thought. Immediately after your hand isn't keeping you stable, the ladder sways and you feel yourself tilting off of the edge your heart pounds and you almost yelp but lucky for you you'd managed to get close enough to Edwin so that he could catch you before you fall.

His hand grasps your forearm firmly and you look deep into his eyes just before breaking away when another knife flies through the air.

He tells you that you both need to keep moving and you shake your head whilst dodging the man's attacks.

Edwin reaches the end first and the timer reads 8 mins left so he's yelling and telling you to come on, and once you reach him he grabs your hand to pull you up.

The man who's been tossing knives like a maniac laughs hysterically and is now halfway across the ladder.

Edwin spots one of the discarded knives and picks it up before approaching the ladder and cutting both ends.

The man instantly falls to his death as the blades chop him into several pieces.

You lean forward to get a glimpse but Edwin shields your eyes and pulls you out of the room.

He examines your arm briefly and mumbles something along the lines of  "you need bandages." Before pulling you to your feet and holding your hand as you both saunter to an exit.

The exit leads to outside but it says that in order to leave you both have to inject something into your arm that's supposed to make you forget about everything that ever happened here.

Edwin grabs hold of the needle and you frown.

"I don't know Edwin how do we know if this isn't something that'll kill us."

"I guess there's only one way to find out."

He injects himself and suddenly his vision grows blurry and he faints.

You feel tears stinging in your eyes as you hover the needle over your skin in hopes that this won't off you forever. You to proceed to stick it into your arm, and now you're the one who blacks out.


You jolt awake  in a shadowy alley, and there's a woman hovering over you.

 you have no idea who she is or why you're here so you scoot away from her which causes her to frown.

"i was just making sure you were okay...I found you here unconscious. Do you remember how you got here?"

You shake your head 'no' and she has a look of sympathy on her face. "I'm so sorry."

"it's....okay. I'm okay."  you say, but neither of you thinks it sounds very convincing.

"Are you sure? something seems to be extremely wrong if you don't even remember how you ended up here."

"I will just have to go home and try to remember I guess..." 

You give her one last glance before sprinting down the street on your journey home and it takes you a moment to remember where  exactly that is but, eventually you're on your way.

As you cut a quick right you bump into a man who immediately begins pouring out words of apology just as you do. He clutches your arm and when you look down at his you notice something vaguely familiar,

the numbers three, eighteen, and sixteen etched in perfectly tatted roman numerals.

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