Christmas Shopping With The Boys

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(A/N: 5x5) ('H'=him/he's talking) ('Y'=you/you're talking)


🐝 Him making you guys split up to avoid seeing each other's gifts.

🐝 'H'  "If someone tries to hit on you what do you do??"

🐝'Y' "...tell them I have a boyfriend and then, come find you..."

🐝'H' "Mhm, remember that."

🐝 Him going overboard on buying you stuff.

🐝 'H' "Babe where do we meet back up again?"

🐝'Y' "where we started B."

🐝Not knowing what to get him.

🐝 Being utterly confused by everything.

🐝 'Y' "Men's razors are so much cheaper...what-"

🐝 'H' "I love shopping for my baby 🤗"

🐝 People noticing him.


🍍 Buying each other nail polish

🍍 Him live streaming the entire shopping spree.

🍍'H' "say hi princess."

🍍Him stealing things out of your cart/basket and replacing them with things he really wants.

🍍 Catching him in the process 💀💀


🍍'Y' "Aren't you supposed to be shopping for me?? Go away!"

🍍 Buying him hair products because, you want to bring back his curliesss🤗

🍍Him holding your hand the entire time and only letting go when he sees something he wants to get you.

🍍 People recognizing him in the store.

🍍him kissing you every five seconds just to lowkey peek into your basket/cart.

🍍 Taking pictures with fans.


👾 Being in the toy aisle because , you guys are actual children💀

👾 Having pretzels because, you guys stopped at Auntie Anne's before you started shopping.

👾Him buying you stuffed bears and flowers.

👾 Him literally tossing random things into your cart/basket.

👾 'Y' "Austin what could we possibly need fish food for?"

👾 'H' "...the fish that I'm getting you."

👾 Nearly crying in frustration when you can't find anything special for him.

👾 'H' "it's okay baby as long as i have you..."

👾 'Y' "shopping is hard."

👾 'H' "why do you think everyone tries to get it done early?"

👾 'H' "hey guess what?"

👾'Y' "what?"

👾 'H' "I love youuu"


👟 Him complaining the entire time because, he finished all his shopping already.😂

👟 'H' "how much longer babe?"

👟 'H' "i mean, not that I'm rushing you or anything--"

👟 'H' "babe you know the store closes at 10 right?"

👟 'H' "I don't even need all this stuff."

👟 'Y' "I said the same thing to you and you didn't listen to me."

👟 'H' "these are fire.."

👟 'Y' "stop TOUCHING the gifts you're not even supposed to see these yet!"

👟 'H' "Oops?"

👟 'Y' "sneaky."

👟 'H' "no, but forreal when are we leaving babe."


🇨🇦 Bumping into each other in the same aisle when you guys split up.

🇨🇦 'H' "why you keep stealing my aisles y/n!!"

🇨🇦 'Y' "What! THAT'S YOU!"

🇨🇦 Being able to know what aisle he's in because, he's so tall and the shelves are so low sksksks

🇨🇦 'Y' "BABE!"

🇨🇦 'H' "HUH!?"



🇨🇦 The store manager telling you guys to stop shouting to each other.💀💀

🇨🇦 Ignoring the manager completely

🇨🇦 Getting kicked out the store together 😂

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