RMS Titanic X Nick Mara

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April 10th 1912
"Fine? Need anything? Thirsty?" His voice speaks lowly from behind you.
You shake your head and smile sweetly before spinning around to place a chaste kiss to his lips while he wraps his arms around you protectively.

Nick has both yours and his ticket in his hand and he's ready to hand them over so that you two could board the ship and get settled.

You two had paid for first class which did a huge amount of damage to your banking account but, neither of you minded.

Especially since, you planned on making a lot more money once you two got to your destination.

You were off to New York City.

There's so many things that you've heard about the beautiful dream that is New York City that, you're not even sure where it starts.

It's one of the many places you've dreamed of going.

And what better person to travel with than you're knight in shining armor.

Nicholas Carter Mara.

He was a hard-working husband, always tinkering with something around the house.

Whether it was a leaky faucet or a wiggly doorknob.

He was always good with his hands.

But, of course, you would know.

"First class?" A man asks once you and Nick arrive at the entrance.

"Yes sir." Nick beams proudly as his fingers lace with yours.

"Perfect, you guys are top deck. Enjoy your stay on RMS Titanic!"

You smile at the man as you and Nick make your way into your room.

You were worried that you'd be disappointed and that you wouldn't get what you paid for.

But, the minute you stepped foot in your room you're worries were washed clean away.

The fact that you were no longer grasping Nick's hand indicated that you were completely astonished and you wanted to explore the giant room immediately.

Nick laughs at your eagerness and places an armful of bags on the floor before closing your room door.

The space was huge.

The room was embellished with Georgian styled designs and had beautiful, long cairo curtains draped on the windows.

And, there wasn't just one bedroom, there was two.

But, you and Nick surely wouldn't need the other one. (Unless he plans on taking you down in each one.)

(He does by the way.)

There was 2 wardrobe rooms that you didn't need because, you didn't bring a lot of clothing.

And Then, finally there was a beautiful cream coloured bathroom that you were sure you'd take millions of showers in, just for the fun of it.

Nick flops down backwards on one of the beds and you jump on top him and straddle his waist while smiling like a maniac.

He thinks you're the most beautiful girl in the world and he wishes he could have moments like this with you all the time at every given moment of his life but, he knows that's a bit much to ask for.

The sweet little grin your sporting is making his heart rate increase and his hands are on your hips as you lean down to kiss him.

You start talking but he wants another kiss and you do too so, before you know it your lips are back on his.

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