School dilemmas and a new friend.

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It was around 2 PM when Ceila came home; she was shivering and grumbling; she went to her room as usual and placed her bag next to her bed and sat down on it; fiddling with her fingers as she thought over some things; she didn't even turn the light on in the room.
Jewel was busy in her bedroom, typing quickly on her laptop as she had a light shining down in it.
It was quiet in the house for another hour, until Zuse came home crying as he ran to his room and threw his bag at his bed, climbing on it and crying into the blankets, Jewel heard this and growled, she placed her laptop to the side and barged in, Ceila was looking at him in concern, Jewel loomed over Zuse and glared down at him. "ZUSE!" she snapped, Zuse flinched and looked up at her, whimpering. Jewel crossed her arms. "Explain why you think you have the right to just barge in crying like this.!" she growls. Zuse held his head and cried more. "T.. THEY WERE MEAN T.. TO ME..." he stuttered out, Jewel yanked him up by the shirt and growled more right in his face. "Maybe because you're too much of a fucking weakling to defend yourself.. " her breath had a strong scent of wine. Zuse shivered from that and bit his lip, tearing up more. Jewel let go and stormed out, slamming the door. Ceila looked at Zuse in complete sympathy, Zuse was hugging himself and crying quietly. Ceila went over and brought him into a tight hug. Stroking his hair, he stuffed his face into her shirt and sniffles, gripping onto her. Ceila kept him there and cooed. "It's going to be alright, Zuse... what's wrong...?" she asked quietly, Zuse kept snuggled into her. "T.. These two kids said I l.. Look weird and... M.. My face is ugly and..." he whimpered loudly, holding onto her. She sighs heavily and patted his back. "Dont listen to them.. they're wrong..." she nuzzled him.
Eventually Ceila and Zuse had both fallen asleep, Zuse was asleep in Celia's arms as she was laid down on her side. Morning rolled by and the sunlight beamed from the window onto Zuse and Ceila.
Zuse fluttered his eyes open and slowly sat up, rubbing his eyes and yawning widely. As he looked around, he saw the clock said 8:02, he gasped and shook Ceila. "WE'RE BOTH LATE CEILA!" he cried out, sliding off the bed. He was about to run out of the room, but Jewel stood in the door way; her face displayed with anger and disappointment. She yanked Zuse up by the shirt, Ceila gasped. "LATE AGAIN, HUH?" Jewel snapped, Zuse whined and covered himself with his hands. Jewel snorted and dropped him. "I knew adopting you two was a bad idea... No time to turn back.. " she grumbled as she stormed off." don't go to school today! Whatever! Fail for all I care! " Jewel called from down the hall in anger. Zuse looked shocked and scared. He glanced at Ceila, who was beaming with joy. "Why are you happy..!?" he yelped, Ceila flinched and looked at him. "Because... The kids in my class are mean and I want a break.." she said innocently. Zuse slowly nodded. " huh... "He whimpered, holding his arms. Ceila raised a brow. " why are you sad...?" she asks, Zuse sniffles. " Cause I'm going to get bad grades and get kicked out! " he exclaimed, Ceila sighed. " No you won't... Jewel is just lying to scare you.. " she rolls her eyes, Zuse just kept sniffling and whining.
Hours passed, and the time was 2 PM, Zuse saw the clock and grumbled sadly. He was in the living room now with Ceila, playing a game of checkers with her.
Jewel came through the front door with a suitcase and papers, and there was a figure behind her... They looked oddly strange. Ceila and Zuse looked over, when they got a clear sight of the figure once they stepped in, it was a doberman, around 16 it looked like, and he had a resting bitch face planted onto his expression. As he walked into the house, he looked at Zuse and Ceila and snorted, Jewel closed the door behind them and immediately headed off to the bedroom. Zuse tilted his head. "Uh... Who are you..?" he raised a brow, baffled by this sudden entrance.
The doberman glared at Zuse. "I'm your new foster brother... Idiot..." he growled, Ceila pinned her ears back."What's your name...?" Ceila asked softly. The teen boys looked over at her. His gaze softened.

"Just call me Zachary."

Zuse's Childhood. (2019 VERSION/OLD)Where stories live. Discover now