Chapter 88 - Three Months

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Thursday, 25 January, and Ruby officially did turn three months old.
Maya was absolute crazy about her newborn which wasn't a newborn after today.
She grew out of that stage and it also meant she grows out of her clothes.
Maya was busy organizing her closet while she had to throw a lot of stuff away or which she was gonna keep for a baby in the future.
Even though it is very early to talk about that Maya does want to see if she can get a few other stuff that what she currently has for her and since a store wasn't as far she thought of putting her on the car and driving.
Maya turned from the cupboard to the bassinet where the sweet baby girl was fast asleep lightly picking her up to prevent that she actually does wake up.

Maya smiles as she puts her in the lose car seat that she has in the bedroom before she goes outside.
As she puts the car seat inside the car she quickly switches on the car and drives off.
She sees as the lights suddenly turn from red to green driving along.
One thing she has been enjoying about her day has been to actually just drive with Ruby to places near the apartment which wasn't that far.
Today's stop has been BuyBuy Baby for a few things that Ruby has been needing especially since she is now out of the newborn stage.

"Maya, welcome back," Michelle said.
"Thanks. You very busy?" Maya asked.
"Not at all. Looking for some new stuff? Hey, Ruby. How old is she now?"
"Officially three months. Can't believe my precious baby is out of newborn stage. I actually just came to find out what would work best for her at this stage of her life," Maya said.

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