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Pradas Pov
The marches subsided into silence, leaving the throne room empty. Tension was still in the air as I felt the intense stare of Precedious. A sly smirk spread on my face, observing him lifting himself up from the ground. He ran towards me swinging his hand,
"How dare you make a fool out of me,"
I grabbed his wrist mid swing, staring into his light blue eyes that always brought me chills.
"Fool? You've always been the fool Precedious! Did you think I'd be your slave forever? My abilities could be used elsewhere not on the likes of you" I said throwing his hand towards him, causing him to lose balance. I pushed myself up from my seat and walked down the marble stairs exiting the throne room. My heels clicked as I furthered my presence from Precedious, "You're lucky the commander didn't kill you on the spot, I heard he has a bad temper if ones on his bad side" I let out a small giggle, exiting the hall closing the wooden doors to close behind me.


Aurphia began to undo my hair, as the curls fell onto my face and past my shoulders. She was accompanied by other hand maidens, undressing me. One exited the room, entering the washroom. I heard the sound of water rushing, as steam creeped from the closed door.

I just stared into space, as they continued to strip me from my clothes, they guided me to the washroom assisting me inside the hot water. I slowly submerged myself in the bath, as small bubbles rose from my weight. I waved my arm signaling the maids to exit my quarters as I continued to seep in the hot water.

I stepped out of the bath drying myself and changing into my black nightgown made of silk. I rang my brown hair tying it into a low pony. Throwing the covers off my bed slipping inside the sheets made of silk. I turned to my side, observing the twinkling stars that danced on my bed spread. The sight was truly breathtaking, my eyelid started to get heavy as I stared into the night sky. Slowly I was submerged into a deep sleep.

That's where I saw him

He had black curly hair, which bounced as he ran through the castle halls. It couldn't be him,
"Ben?" I called out to him, picking up my dress following close behind. I ran past the haunted rooms of the castle and exited towards the garden. He turned around, yet his age changed and matured into a young man. I stopped in my tracks holding on to my chest, exhaling slightly. He walked towards me as his hand caressed my cheek. He smiled, "Pradaline,"
"Ben?" I said my hand joining his.

The earth slightly moved, causing me to fall into an abyss of darkness. Whispers echoed in the open, cascading into nothingness. They increased in volumes almost as soft yells, projecting words into the dark.

I am your guide

You have the ability to become one of the greatest Siths in the galaxy. Soon citizens of the stars will fall onto their feet and kneel before you

Breathing emerged, yet it was rhythmic and mechanical. They inhaled, and exhaled their breath echoing in the distance.

Lord Vader

I ran into the abyss, my heart beating out my chest. I was scared as the breathing continued to follow me. Whispers began to emerge into my path,

You will KILL Kylo Ren

I continued to run as fast as I could. My knees buckled as I stumbled onto the ground, trying to grab an object to stop my fall. In the distance I saw a small light shimmering.  With what remaining strength I had I pushed myself up, following the dim light.
A light shone on a hooded shadow, a long black cape fell from their figure onto the ground. They bared a double ended lightsaber that glowed a fiery red. They lifted the hood exposing their true features, revealing their identity.

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