Protective Husband~Taeyang

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*Gangster TaeYang!*

You were cooking dinner while your daughter, Luna colored in her coloring book, you waited for your husband, YoungBae to get home and you knew he would get upset when you tell him what happened during the day.

"I'm home y/n". YoungBae calls out.

He walks into the kitchen and greets you with a kiss then walks over to Luna, she smiles up at YoungBae, happy her dad was home.

"Whatcha coloring there princess?"

"I got a Disney Princess coloring book!"

"That's nice sweetie, what did you and mommy do today?"

"We went to the store and this guy-"

"Um Luna sweetie, why don't you go wash your hands before dinner"

"Okay mommy!"

Luna gets out of her chair and runs to the bathroom, YoungBae looks at you with an raised eyebrow and gets up from his chair.

"What was Luna about to say till you cut her off?"

"Nothing YoungBae"

"You know I have to know, who's this guy?"

"There was no guy YoungBae"

"Tell me y/n."

You sigh and dry your hands with the rag, you turn to look at YoungBae who had his arms crossed.

"At the store, the old store manager was being pissy with me cause Luna was in quote, being disruptive so I got pissy back with him and during the argument he grabbed me-"

"He grabbed you??"

"Yes YoungBae, he grabbed me but he quickly apologized and gave Luna a free coloring book and that was that"

"Un fucking acceptable, I'm going down to that store"

"YoungBae no!"

"He fucking grabbed you!"

"You don't have to beat up everybody who hurts me, please just stay here and don't cause a ruckus."

YoungBae sighs and nods, you wrap your arms around his neck and kiss him, he calms down and kisses you back.

"Let's eat supper, I bet you're hungry."

You make Luna and YoungBae their plates then sit down with yours and begin eating, Luna must've picked up on YoungBae's tense mood cause she pokes his knuckles and he gives her a soft smile before poking her back. After dinner, YoungBae does the dishes while you wrangle Luna up for her bath and bedtime, after a while she takes her bath and gets ready for bed, YoungBae walks in to kiss her Goodnight.

"Sleep tight princess, I love you."

YoungBae kisses Luna's forehead and shuts the door behind him, YoungBae pokes his head into the bedroom and sees you're already asleep so he decides to make a quick trip down to the store, he grabs the keys and gets in his car. YoungBae speeds to the store and gets there in record time, he gets out and walks inside, he sees the manager and begins making his way towards him.

"We're closing up sir-"

"You grabbed my wife?"

"Sir I-"

YoungBae grabs the guy and throws him to the ground, YoungBae kicks him as he crawls away, YoungBae shoves the manager out the door and the man puts his hand up.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry! Please don't hurt me!"

YoungBae stomps on the guy's hand, causing him to shrill in pain, YoungBae walks to his car and drives back home, he walks into the bedroom and gets ready for bed like nothing happened.

"Where you go?"

"GD called me and said he needed me for something."

You sorta knew not to question YoungBae about the crime business so she left it at that, YoungBae crawls into bed and snuggles up to you.

"I love you y/n"

"I love you too YoungBae."

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