BBR: You two decide to take a break

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Every day for the past few months, you and JiYong have been arguing over every little thing and it's only getting worse, this morning you walked into the kitchen and saw dishes in the sink, you were instantly annoyed.

"JiYong, What are all these dishes doing in the sink?"

"I made breakfast for myself and the kids before they went to school, I'm gonna wash them here in a while"

"You said that yesterday morning and dishes didn't get done, I had to do them"

"Are you really gonna start an argument over this?"

"I'm just tired of you saying you're gonna do something then you don't, I'm tired of empty promises."

JiYong throws his newspaper down onto the table and stands up, he places his hands onto the counter and takes a deep breath to calm down.

"What exactly do you mean by empty promises, enlighten me y/n"

"Not doing the dishes when you said you would, breaking promises you make with the kids about spending time together-"

"Calling me a terrible father?"

"I'm just saying you can be home more!"

"If you think I'm a horrible father and a horrible husband then I'll go and you can find a better one!"


"I want a divorce."

JiYong turns and walks out of the kitchen, you collapse against the counter and his words were like a knife to the heart, everything else became a blur from that point.

Your marriage was over..

Your marriage was over

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I was laying in my and y/n's bed as she wasn't home yet, this was her third night coming home late and I'm starting to get a little suspicious since she's been hanging out with a new male co-worker, I didn't like it one bit. I finally hear y/n coming in and she enters the bedroom, I notice she's dressed more erotically then usual and had on more makeup, my radar is now officially going off.

"You look nice"

"Thanks, thought I do something different today"

"How was your day?"

"It was good"

"You hang out with Hae-sol again?"

Y/n gets quiet and steps out of the bathroom, I lean against the bed frame and cross my arms.

"Well did you?"

"We went and had dinner with a few co-workers"

"And you're just now getting home?"

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