3|| In The Office

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Seoyun's POV

Feeling the warm of the bed and sheets was so good. I'm still tired after yesterday and don't have plans on getting up anytime soon. One of the good things it's that the curtains are closed, so the sun can't annoy me.

Rotating my tired body on the left side, which the window was behind my back, I felt the bed moving and it wasn't me. I was half conscius at the moment so I came closer and could feel a warm naked body next to mine. But I didn't give it too much attention, I was too much into sleeping.
After I became full conscius I realized that I was at Jungkook's home, naked, under the covers, with him. I fucked my boss and fucking loved it. How am I gonna face him on work now?
I sneaked out of the bed, picking up my things and really fastly going home.
I proceded to take a shower and remain at home all day since I had nothing to do and was lazy.

My door bell ringed a few times before I went to open. I saw Jungkook, again. It wasn't already too much fuck and sleep with him, now he's even coming to my house. He walked in with a smile on, his beautiful bunny one.

I sat comfortably on my couch looking at the pc on my coffee table playing some dramas. I could feel Jungkook staring at me and slowly coming closer and closer.

He put an arm on my shoulder, I didn't react, knowing that I liked it. He hugged me from the left side, looking at the pc.

He snuggled his face in the crook of my neck, that's still sensible from the visible hickeys.

"I did a pretty good job at marking you. Your neck is full, so now everyone will know you're mine."

"Jungkook stop it."


He sniffed my scent, smiling like an idiot.

"You still smell like me. Even after your shower."

"Maybe it's a strong smell."

"Yeah because it's mine and you're mine."

"Kook, I'm tryna see the drama could you please be silent."

"No I want your attention. My girlfriend left my house this morning because she was shy, but I couldn't let her leave that easy. So here I am."

I laughed at his baby behavior. Is this the same person that fucked me yesterday in the shower?
He changes really quickly, from a beast to a kid.

"Since when am I your girlfriend?"

"The moment you said to me to mark you."

In that istant I reacted. I gived Jungkook a punch in the shoulder, making him hiss in pain. I got up and walked in my room. It's already sixth in the afternoon, so I have to buy some food that miss in my house.

I cover myself with the coat and scarf. I take my phone and wallet and head into the front door. Jungkook is already there ready to go out with me. Walking in the grocery store, I get all of the things. I was ready to pay but Jungkook was quicker than me and did that when I wasn't looking.

I give him a death stare before walking again. He was about to say goodbye to me at the front door I take his hands and let him in again.

"Since you payed for those, you can stay here for the night."

He jumped like a kid, smiling and showing his bunny teeth. I smile back, loving his reaction. He grabs my face with his big and soft hands and kiss me lovingly. I enjoyed the warm of his lips on mine, with their sweetness they make me drunk.

I was the first to separate our lips, since they were swollen and red.

"I guess I will start to cook, it's already time to eat dinner."

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