Chapter 10: The Weapon of Greed

Start from the beginning

I lowered my sword and listened to him.

"The General assigned you in the frontlines. Again." Orion smiled as if this day will be my final breath.

"If that what he wants, then I'll go to the frontlines," I replied, not showing how I'm worried about myself later.

Even without using my Shadow Senses, this bastard seems to have a malicious and perfect plan in his mind. He thinks I'm foolish enough to fall from that trick but I'm in a very tight situation. We're too unlucky to possess this power running through our veins because we will die easily from that bastard. I've been wondering why someone like him has gifted a divine power to eliminate our kind. Without the emperor's presence, Orion is using this opportunity to steal Cassy.

It's frustrating to think about his obvious plan but escaping alive is impossible because it has a divine class barrier protecting around this nation for over 6,000 years. Even if we learned Shadow Walk, it's still useless for escaping. I don't know much about magic but it was already written in history books. Shadows will die instantly if they forced themselves to get inside. They can't even leave a scratch to that cheat-like barrier.

Orion sneered malevolently, "If you don't come back after 12 hours... I'll take care of your siblings."

Then he disappeared in a blink of an eye while Cassy and Carl looked at me worriedly.

"Don't worry. I can't die easily." I reassured them.

"Brother..." Cassy muttered as she caressed the tip of her long braided hair.

I turned my heels as I ready myself to leave her room, "I'll use my trump card to erase them as soon as possible and get back home. Don't forget to use plan Zero."

Plan Zero is a hiding plan. Carl and Cassy will hide in their hiding spot if I can't return home on time.

"Home? Bro, this place is a prison." Said Carl as I began walking out the door.

But a red smoke enters to my nostrils and it smells horribly. This odor is coming from Cassy and Carl which means they're both angry with murderous intent. I can't blame them to feel that way because we are trapped in this kingdom. A kingdom of greed which our ancestor failed to destroy.

"Brother, I can't endure this anymore! The color and smell of his lust is disgusting!" Cassy exclaimed which made me stopped my pace and I glanced over my shoulder as my back still facing at them.

Cassy hugged herself, visibly disgusted. The smoke coming from her is green and bitter while Carl is still in his killer mood. We understood her feelings because she's not the only one who can see and smell Orion's lust. To all people who got sexually attracted to her is only Orion has the best record.

"If father didn't bring us here in the first place... The emperor couldn't use you as a weapon." Carl said and gritted his teeth.

Hearing him like that fueled my burning rage against our father but it suddenly dissipates. Maybe my Zero Emotions activated itself again.

"You can blame him all you want but he's already dead. Hmph! It serves him right." Cassy said as she held Carl's hand and dragged him out from her room but she suddenly couldn't budge him from his spot as if he became a gigantic boulder or something very heavy.

"Oi! Just let me stay here while you're changing your clothes! He'll probably come back again and kidnap you if I let my guard down!" Carl said cautiously.

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