I try to keep my cool, not showing just how excited I am. Unlike Jonah, who is basically jumping around and squealing like a little girl playing with bubbles. I cross my arms and quirk an eyebrow at Jonah. "You honestly trust Zach with two girls in the house for two weeks?"

Suddenly Jonah stops. He looks at the remaining three of us, fixing us each with a hard stare. "If any of you, any of you so much as touch one of them, I will personally beat your ass into the ground. Capice?"

Well shoot now I have to do this behind Jonah's back. 

Daniel is nodding, looking kind of scared at Jonah's mood change so quickly. Jack looks at the coffee addict like he just grew another head. "Ok bro. Whatever."

And me?

"You got it buddy." I clap my hand on his shoulder before I head upstairs. I have to clean my room if Kylie is coming over. I can't let her see how much of a slob I am. 

I walk into my room, forcing the door open. I survey the damage. Unmade bed, clothes everywhere. My guitar is being used as a hoodie hanger. My desk is full of disorganized papers I haven't looked at in a week. Mostly lyrics and music sheets. I think. Maybe some random notes I've put for myself. 

My gaming desk is a mess too. Food wrappers all over, my laptop is still open, and I think that's a leftover apple core from yesterday. 

I have my work cut out for me. 


In my room, which is shockingly cleanish, I lay on my bed texting Kylie. I can't wait until she gets here! Jonah's friends are coming on the same day unfortunately so I'll have lunch with her and then come back to the house I guess. Not that I have much of a choice. Jonah would kill me if I don't even say hi. 

Messages: Kylie and Zach

Z: I might have to leave our lunch date a little early Ky 😔

K: aww why??

Z: One of my roommates has friends coming  over and he'd kill me if I don't say hi

K: aww ok. I have to be at my friends soon enough after anyway

Z: wanna hear a joke?

K: uhmm sure

K: I'm scared

Z: hahaha ok what do you call a pig that does karate??

K: seriously?? I know this one. It's pork chop duhhhh

Z: hey that's not fairrrrr you stole my joke 😡😡

K: sorry bUdDy

Z: 😡  

K: 😂😂

Z: ok new joke 

Z: why did the bike fall over ?

K: uhm why

Z: it was TWO TIRED😂😂😂😂😂

K: wow zachary 🙄

Z: come on it was good  

K: sure

Z: it was

K: yeah fine whatever

K: hey I gotta go, I'm actually at a friends rn

Z: ok bye kyky 

K: bye zachy

After I say goodbye to Kylie, I pull up my insta and start mindlessly scrolling through. Something catches my eye. A song written for Daniel. I click on it and listen for a bit. (Song above) 

Dang this girl is good

"Hey Dani! You gotta see this!" I shout down the stairs.

I hear footsteps bounce up the stairs and come to my door. 

"What now?" The blonde-tipped boy pokes his head through my door. 

"Just look at it Daniel. This girl wrote a song for you" I pull up the full link on YouTube and hand my phone over. 

Daniel watches the video, and as he watches he sits down on the corner of my bed. 

The video ends, and Daniel looks over at me. His face was hard to read. You could tell he was touched to the bottom of his soul, but there was something deeper. "I......thanks Zach." He gets up and starts to leave my room. 

Right before he gets to my door I stop him. "Uh... my phone?"

"Oh! Oh yeah here." Flustered, he hands me my phone. Then starts for the door again.

"Yo Dan, you good bro?" 

He turns back toward me a confused look on his face as he scratches the back of his neck. "I- I think so. I honestly don't know man." With a sigh, he turns and leaves, shutting the door behind him for once. 

Now I know something is definitely up with Daniel. He never shuts the door when he leaves a room. Like ever. 

I shrug it off, whatever it is, Daniel is strong and will be able to get through it.

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