Chapter 5

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Tossing and turning in my bed, I just can't seem to get comfortable. 

It's not that I have no idea why I can't sleep. This always happens after I get into a fight with Rheana, I can't sleep, so I text her, asking forgiveness, she forgives me, I forgive her, and we are friends again.

That won't happen tonight though. I am just too mad, and I know it's not even close to my fault. Right? She betrayed me. Right?

I need to ask Jonah what to do.

Right as I'm about to pick up my phone to call him, I remember that I'm mad at him too. 

Realizing that both my friends are mad at me, a lump forms in my throat.

I am utterly alone. 


Why does Kylie make things so difficult? 

Laying in my bed, thoughts race through my mind, creating and endless swirl of questions and regrets. 

I roll over onto my side and prop myself up on my elbow. Reaching over to turn on the lamp sitting on my nightstand, I look down at the plane tickets laying underneath the lamp's dim light. 

Staring at them for a minute, I turn my lamp back off and lay on my back again.

Why is this so hard?

I'm sure that it'll only be a matter of time before she calls, apologizing. 

Then again, this is kinda bigger than any of our other arguments.

Kylie and I have not always seen eye to eye, but we've been friends for as long as I can remember, and I wouldn't hesitate to say that she is easily my best friend. 


7 years ago

There's a knock on the door, and before my mom can take a step, I scream "I'll get it!"

Sprinting toward the door, I throw it open to reveal another girl with long, dark hair standing on the doorstep. I throw my arms around her and a smile stretches across her face. I practically drag her through the door, not bothering to close it, and bring her up the stairs to my room.

We collapse on my bed laughing at absolutely nothing until our stomachs hurt.

Even though we had been friends for less than a couple weeks, I feel like I've  known Rheana forever! 

5 years later

It's my 15th birthday party, and I'm in the spotlight, the lights are off, and the flames flicker and dance in front of my eyes, I hear the sounds of a few friends and my family singing in the background. I know I should be happy, I mean I'm turning fifteen! I can get my permit and finally start to drive!

So my face forms a small, but fake smile, to please my parents to show that I can have fun even though both of my best friends weren't able to come.

The song ends, and I blow out fourteen candles, with one flame laughing and taunting me. 

Suppressing a sigh, I gently blow it out, reciting my wish for the millionth time that day: I wish Jonah and Rheana were here

My mom comes over and gives me a reassuring smile, and starts to cut the cake. Everyone is chatting around me, and I make small talk to a few of the other friends I have, but they don't know me well enough to know that I really don't feel like socializing. 

After what feels like hours, people start to leave, until the house is empty except for my parents and I. 

My mom walks over to me and squeezes my shoulders, "I know how you feel sweetie." She says with sympathy "why don't you go cool off in your room?"

"Okay." I sigh, giving my mother a small smile of relief. "Thanks."

"Of course honey."

I walk up the stairs to my room, as I shut the door behind me I notice something strange. My window is open. I almost never open my window, much less today, when it is cold and rainy.

Confused, I walk over to the window and close it, making sure it is firmly locked. 

Wait. What if I got robbed?

As the thought crosses my mind, I automatically look around my room, searching for anything that may seem out of place. After making sure nothing was taken, I carefully sit down on my bed, slowly laying back. Closing my eyes to think, I hear a noise. Still paranoid that my room got broken into, my eyes fly open. 

My lamp is off.

What the heck?

Too scared to move, I look around until my eyes land on a strange figure crouched in the corner. Slamming my eyes shut, I try to convince myself that it's just a pile of blankets or something. 

Finally working up my confidence, I slowly peek open my eyes. Slowly, I get off my bed and turn my light back on. Fully expecting someone to be crouched in the corner, I let out a loud sigh of relief when I see, as I thought, a pile of blankets. 

All of a sudden two hands grasp my shoulders violently and I let out a shriek, afraid for my life. All of a sudden I hear a voice laughing behind me. A very familiar voice. Two of them in fact.

I spin around and sure enough, there they are my best friends falling into fits of laughter.

"You should've seen your face!"

"We should've gotten this on tape!"

"You were hilarious!"

Soon enough, their laughter becomes contagious and I'm rolling on the floor with them.

Once we recover enough to stand I give them both the biggest hug. Almost crying, I ask "I thought you guys weren't able to make it?" 

"We weren't supposed to be able to," Jonah tells me "but I called Ree up and we convinced our parents to let us come."

"Because you're our best friend Ky." Rheana finishes, and I pull them both in for another group hug.

Last week

Jonah just left for LA again. Man, I'm gonna miss him.

Jonah being in LA all the time now is really taking a toll on me. I miss my best friend more than just about anything.

Sliding deeper into my pit of depression, I stretch out on the couch and scroll through Pinterest.

My phone buzzes, showing a text from Rheana.

R: Chipotle in 5?

K: You know it

15 minutes later

Laughing around a mouthful of burrito, I can only think that Rheana is always there when I really need her.

Present day

It's been a full day since mine and Rheana's blowup. 

All the wonderful memories of us together come flooding into my head, forming another lump in my throat. 

I have to do something about this.

I know full well I won't be able to survive without Rheana or Jonah by my side, so I take a deep breath and dial the number I've known since I was 11.

After two rings, the phone is picked up.

"You finally ready to listen?" Just the fact that she even picked up causes a relieved smile appear.

"Yeah I'll listen."

Wrong Number- wdwNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ