Chapter 12

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Corbyn stands in my doorway, frowning and looking like we're heading to a photo shoot. 

Except it's 6:15 in the morning.

"So you gonna tell me what's up with...this?" I gesture to his completely ready-for-the-day appearance, compared to my shirtless torso and basketball shorts. 

Corbyn blinks before looking down at himself. "Oh. Uh yeah, about that...I woke up early and couldn't fall back asleep so I thought why not get ready for the MTV interview early?" He ends the sentence as a question, possibly trying to convince himself that it was the real reason for his being all ready this early in the morning. His brows furrow back into their original frowning position. "Why are you awake Daniel? You usually sleep in unless you got a song inspiration."

I feel my eyes widen slightly. There is not way I'm telling him I've been up almost all night stalking Ibiza's social media accounts. 

I roll my shoulders and shake my head a little. "Just couldn't sleep. Been looking at random crap online." I shrug a little "you know how it goes."

 Corbyn looks at me, his features still positioned in a frown, and I'm sure he's going to call my bluff.

He nod his head. "Oh ok then." He looks at me for a second, his frown only relaxing a little. 

He starts to walk back toward his room before he stops and turns around, "you should get ready. We can take some sunrise pics together for Instagram." He smiles a little. "Might as well be up early and take advantage of gorgeous sunrises."

I return his smile. "Gotcha. Meet you downstairs in 30."

I close my door and lean against it, letting out a whoosh of air. 

Thank God he believed me.

I look over at my phone still laying discarded on my bed, it's screen glowing with a picture of the gorgeous girl I can't stop thinking about. 

Fuck I'm so whipped.



We're not even in the air ten minutes before Kylie is asleep.

I swear that girl can sleep anywhere, any time. 

Her head rolls down and hits my shoulder, pretty hard too. 

"Ow." I mutter, shifting into a more comfortable position, her head still on my shoulder. 

I roll my eyes a little before unpausing my favorite show that I'm rewatching for the 3rd time.

Hey it's really good ok.

I'm only a little obsessed.

It's not even 15 minutes later before I feel something wet in my shoulder.

"Oh no you don't" I say to the sleeping girl, pushing her head up and off my shoulder.

I'm not dealing with her drooling.

Like ew, no thanks. 

I love you but not that much Kylie.

Just kidding.

But seriously. No drooling on me in your sleep.

Wait. No drooling on me ever thank you. 


ANYWAY now I can watch my show in peace. Klaus is about to tell Caroline he fancies her and I can't miss that. 


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