Chapter 6

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"Yeah. I'll listen."

As the words escape my lips, my body almost collapses in relief. I look down at my wrist and see the bracelet I haven't taken off for anything but showering and swimming for 5 years. 

Behind my eyes, I feel a slight ache, recalling the words Rheana said when she gave the the bracelet that read "Be Frie"

"If we ever get separated by anything, even if it's ourselves, we will always remember each other right? I love you Kylie. I will never EVER stop being your friend."

I quickly wipe my eyes as I remember I'm still on the phone with Rheana, who responds with a very skeptical "Are you sure?"

"I promise I won't say a word." I respond, the relief in my voice evident.

"Well, Jonah called me a few weeks ago complaining about how often you talk about him being all the way across the country, so basically I say, 'You're rich now right? Just buy her a plane ticket'." I hear her laugh a little before she continues on. "You have no idea how shocked I was when a package with two round trip tickets appeared in my mail last week." 

My jaw drops as she says that I'm going to LA??

"I called Jonah immediately and practically screamed in his ear for about an hour I was so excited." I can practically hear her smile through the phone as she recalls her conversation with Jonah.

I can't contain myself for another second "Wait a second. Are you telling me that we're going to Los Angeles??."

On the other side of the line I hear Rheana laugh ta my stupidity. "No. We are going to sit around like bums and watch grass grow. Of course we're going to LA!"

I drop my phone and scream as soon as she confirms my thoughts. 

In the middle of my happy dance, I hear a voice calling my name and remember that I dropped my phone while on a call.

"Were you just dancing?"

The question makes me laugh before I breathlessly answer that yes, indeed I was.

It's crazy how in just a couple minutes our relationship was fixed. We continued talking for a couple hours until I realized I skipped my run for the day.

"I'll call you back in a little bit. I have to get ready for my run."

"You and your runs." I can practically see her shaking her head in mock disappointment. "Alright sis. Talk to ya later."

After hanging up, I change into a maroon Nike sports bra and black leggings. Strapping on my armband that's holds my phone, I throw my hair into a ponytail and turn on Jonah's band because why not. Putting my running earbuds in, I grab my keys and jog out of my apartment and onto the street. I stop before crossing the road remembering to look left, right, then left again. I look back to my right before crossing because it always bothers me that left gets two looks and right only gets one.

I safely cross the street and pass a Caribou. I can't help myself, I go inside and feel immediately self conscious because I'm just in a sports bra and leggings. I quickly walk up to the barista pretending to look at the menu even though I know that I'm already going to get an Oreo cooler because duh. 

Slowly lowering my eyes to look at the barista, I resist a mini gasp. He is probably one of the cutest guys I have ever seen. He has soft red curls, but not too bright so it scream "REDHEAD" at you. He's taller than me, but not by too much, and has a light sprinkle of freckles across his nose, not in an ugly way but in a way where it makes him cuter. My eyes travel down to his name tag and see that his name is Asher. 

I hear someone lightly clear their throat and snap out of my daze. An older woman behind me looks at me, clearly annoyed and asks "Are you going to order anything or just stand there drooling like a fool?" With her hands on her hips, she eyes me up and down before adding, "also maybe next time wear some clothes." With that she walks up and orders herself a mocha. 

I feel tears build up, but before any can escape, I blink hard and force the tears away. Asher asks for her name and I hear the answer snapped back at him. "Gretchen! And if you kids mess up my drink again I will give this place a bad rating!" With that she stalks over to the waiting area. 

I slowly walk over to the ordering station with my head down, ashamed of myself. 

"Hey, how can I help you today?" A voice asks me. I look up and see Asher looking at me with sympathy as he asks his question.

I give him a small smile before saying "I would like an Oreo cooler?"

"Was that a question?" I can hear the laugh behind his words and give him a fake glare.

"Oh sorry didn't realize I asked it that way. I demand an Oreo cooler. Can you handle that?" I can't help myself. Through my sarcasm I smile. A real smile this time. 

Asher lets out a chuckle. "Yes. I think I can do that for you." He punches a few numbers into the register. "That will be $4.77." I hand him a $5 bill and he hands back my change along with my receipt and a small piece of paper? "Name...?" He asks me as I put the change in my pocket.


"Ok Kylie. Your beverage will be ready soon."

I say thank you and walk over to the waiting area, making sure to stay clear of Gretchen.

After a couple minutes of waiting I hear my name called. I walk up and see Asher again as he hands me my drink. As I take it from him, our hands brush and we both look up at each other. I blush and he smiles. "Thanks." I say and walk back toward the entrance. I look back at Asher and  see him serving another customer. Almost as if he can sense my glance, he looks up and flashes another smile at me. I walk out of Caribou smiling, and finish my run. 


I walk into my apartment and collapse onto my couch. I finish what's left of my drink. I remember my change in my pocket and toss it onto the table.

I'll put that away later.

Waking to my room, I throw on a pair of cutoff shorts and a plain white croptop. Taking my hair down, I brush it out so my long dirty blonde hair hangs in soft waves to my middle back. 

Remembering the piece of paper that came with my change, I go back to my leggings and pull it out. At first I thought it must be trash, but then I realized it was folded.


Carefully unfolding it, I see a message written on it.

Text me. Maybe we can hang out sometime? ***-***-**** ~Ash

A slime slowly creeps onto my face. Today couldn't have gone better.

Wrong Number- wdwحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن