Phantom Balloon Boy x Seme Male Reader- a Valentine's Sweet Treat :)

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Heyyyyyy, guys. I was happy to take a break last month. Miss me? Wattpad has a new writing system on it's latest app version on the iPad, or on my iPad at least. It's where it doesn't take up the whole screen anymore- however, it just takes up this much of the screen:

 It's where it doesn't take up the whole screen anymore- however, it just takes up this much of the screen:

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

See, it's like a little pop-up add. As much as I dislike it, writing on the web is worse. I have to update, I want to, so I'll just have to deal with it. I swear I'm not happy with the new update but I'm not in charge of the app or my iPad so..

For those of you who don't know, I update before or on the 13th of each month. I usually do it right on the 13th, or the 14th if I publish it at around 12:36am, but it's close enough and usually on the 13th or 14th.

Sometimes if it's a special month or I'm busy, I'll inform you guys. Now, let's start writing ;-; idk how to write anymoREEEEEEEE. Haven't wrote in two months, lol.

I just wrote my first paragraph on the new pop-up thing. I did some calculations, and around 3 lines on the normal, full-sized writing (3 lines is what I usually do for a paragraph) is around 4-6 lines on this pop-up version. So as I write 4-5 lines, it's overwhelming for me and idk what to do now


We're all going on a school field trip today. Most people in my high school hates these things, since we're going to be divided into a million different cabins and learn wilderness survival. But I'm different. For some reason, I love these things. I love going on random, pointless trips that teach skills we don't ever need to know. It takes stress off my shoulders and gives me a reason to not study for the finals.

I guess I'm a bit excited, but mostly, I don't know how I feel. We got assigned into cabins today. I'm in the same one as (M/n) and some of my friends. I don't really know (M/n), but I don't think that it'll matter, since I have my friends there. Freddy's there, Bonnie is there. And so is this kid named 'Foxy'. I think he hangs out a lot with (M/n).

Right now, I am walking to the bus stop with Freddy and Bonnie. Well, it's me who's walking. I'm particularly dragging those two to the buses, since they both are like normal high schoolers and they hate these type of trips.

"Come on, guys! Stop walking weird. Also, you two are heavy. Quit making me drag you!"

Freddy yawns, and Bonnie looks at me.

"Of course not. I hate field trips.. what are we, a bunch'a preschool kids?"

Freddy nods in agreement. I groan.

"If you're not coming, I'll go alone then. Have fun having a zero for your grades."

On the talk about grades, both of their eyes widen. I stand there, watching them stare at me for a second before quickly catching up to me. Then walking faster than me.

FNAF x Seme Male Readerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें