9:"Locket Getaway"

Start from the beginning

3 days before the getaway trip.

Tribeca, New York City. 3 PM.

Taylor looks at her clock that hanging on the wall. Almost 3 pm. Where is Karlie? She said she already on the plane. When she will touch down. She never calls me yet. You need to relax Taylor. Stop thinking about the negative way. She will be here soon.

Taylor dresses herself to impress Karlie. She wears the new dress she brought online. White dress with a gold stripe on the dress. She wants to look gorgeous for Karlie. She washes her hair yesterday. She probably the laziest person in this world who hates to wash her hair every day. Living in cold weather in New York City always makes her hair look greasy. And she always tied her hair. Not release it. After exercising, she really needs to wash her hair again.

She doesn't shampoo her hair because her hairdresser will come home and wash her hair. After that, they will style my hair. So, she doesn't need to wash for herself. Having long hair, you really need extra good take care of your healthy hair. You need to put on conditioner after you wash your hair. Dry your hair perfectly. And apply gently to your hair with some vitamin oil or coconut oil. Usually, it takes time. I am a really simple woman. I don't put much treatment for my beauty tips. I don't have one. Except for my sleeping beauty. I really need enough sleep so my mood will not ruin that day. Not less or more.

I am totally different from Karlie Kloss. Every inch of her body has secret beauty tips. From her hair until her toe. All she taking care of her own self. She really makes me do with her. I just follow all of her tips. Which I never do when she's around in the house.

The media always asks me what your secret beauty tips to maintain such a good body. I will real thanks to my team who make me like that on the screen. Look so flawless. The biggest thanks to my mother. She always pushes me. And told me not to eat greasy food. Which I love so much. No more gluten. No more carbohydrates. Only eating what my trainer provides me in the fridge.
And also big thanks to my trainer who torture me with a high-intensity workout. I hate going to the gym. But, I had to gain strength to perform consistently straight 3 hours without pass out if I went for the tour that year.

I went downstairs. I really bored waiting for Karlie. I playing some song I wrote yesterday. New song. But, she gets the lyrics. Not yet the melody. I will save this idea of a song for the next album perhaps.

Her finger runs through the piano. Humming softly tries to get the right key for every lyric she sings.

🎶🎹You're so gorgeous...

🎶🎹I can't say anything to your face but look at your face...

🎶🎹 I am so curious, make me feel some type away... But, look at your face... You're gorgeous.

Taylor humming some part she doesn't have lyrics yet. She keeps playing.

🎶🎹 You should take it as a compliment that I talk to everyone but you...

🎶🎹 If you gotta boyfriend, I a jealous of him. But, If you single, it honestly worst. Cause you're so gorgeous. It actually hurt. Honey, it's hurt...

🎶🎹 I hate you so much that you make me feel like this...

🎶🎹 But, look at your faces. You're so gorgeous.

🎶🎹 I had a boyfriend, he older than us, he is in the club doing I don't know what. Cause you look so gorgeous. It actually hurts. Cause you gorgeous.

She playing some off-key again. Keep messing the song. Still find the right key and right lyric.

🎶🎹 It makes me so happy, it turns back to sad, there nothing more I hate than what I can't have. You're so gorgeous it made me so mad.

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