Chapter Fourteen

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A/n: I enjoy responding to comments! Please drop some more often, it doesn't matter how long ago a chapter was posted I will still attempt to respond to you guys!! Also, comment if you know the reference up ahead, 2000's kids I expect a lot from you guys.
You're going to miss me when I'm gone.

Getting onto the train and making sure his brother couldn't find him was the hardest thing Harry had to do. He saw Evan and immediately pulled out the invisibility cloak Sirius stole without telling James and gave to him. His godfathers really did love him. They even broke into Hogwarts to make sure Harry knew how to use the map so he could have fun and be just as troublesome as two of the boys had been combined, while also having a certain calmness and an empathetic sense obtained by Remus and Peter.

Harry put on the cloak and left the compartment he had entered. He then left towards the Slytherin decorated section of the train. He got into the compartment that he and Malfoy, Nott, Zabini, Crabbe and Goyle were going to meet. And possibly Parkinson as well.

The others had begun to tease them by calling them the Silver Seven. At least it's better than gold, Harry thought with disgust. He hated gold thanks to the Gryffindors.

He heard Evan call out for him, he felt no guilt. He smiled as his friends made jokes and laughed. Sooner than they expected, they arrived at the platform. Harry said he'd catch up with them as they left.

He pulled on the invisibility cloak and sped straight to the three god fathers conversing about who's present that Harry would like better. They shut up the second Harry hugged Sirius, mostly because he was in the middle. The three godfathers quickly apparated to Malfoy Manor, which they would be staying for Christmas.

Harry pulled off the invisibility cloak after they had apparated. He seemed intrigued by the artifacts on top of the fire place that were protected from thievery with several charms. There seemed to be several artifacts displayed around Malfoy Manor.

The three Malfoy's then appeared.

"How'd you get here before me Harry?" Draco huffed.

"Because I got to my god fathers first!" Harry stuck his tongue out.

"Hello Harry, dear. Do you remember me?" Narcissa asked. She really hoped he did.

He was the last patient she had before Saint Mungos had fired her because of the Malfoy reputation being hurt by that bloody idiot James Potter calling them Death Eaters. Just because they believed blood should stay pure did not make them Death Eaters in the eyes of the ministry, but Saint Mungos had thought otherwise.

"I do! You were the nice lady who gave me sweet while I was at the hospital! Why did you disappear after two months Mrs. Malfoy?" Harry asked.

Obviously he guessed right, as usual.

"Fired because of that blood traitor," Narcissa scowled. "Please sweetie call me Cissa. I hate the Potters with a burning passion because of what they've done, but I won't judge you on what they've done. No child should be judged because of their parents." She sweetened. She hugged the small boy. "Still small but you've gotten taller since last time," she smiled.

Harry grinned back.

"What- but-," Draco was flustered and upset that Harry could talk easily to his mother but took weeks to talk to him. "Not fair!" He huffed.

"Dragon, I knew him before you. I feel it's fair," Narcissa smiled at her son.

Draco grumbled.

"Well, hello Harry. You know Narcissa constantly worried about you after leaving Saint Mungos, even harrassed Draco through letters as soon as he mentions you in the first one," Lucius chuckled with a handshake with the boy.

"Pleasure to meet you Mr. Malfoy," Harry grinned.

"I must say. You have quite the manners, who raised you? Surely not Potter? I'd have to respect him if he had," Lucius shuddered at the thought.

"Uncles Siri, Re, Peter, and Sev taught me my manners actually," Harry said.

"Well, you're welcome at Malfoy Manor anytime. It's amazing how poly juice potions and knowing who's signature to forge is just the same as having the actual person there, don't you think?" Lucius continued.

"Yeah, it is. The ministry should be more careful," Harry said.

"Me and Harry are going to my room!" Draco exclaimed, clearly jealous that his friend is more interested in conversation with his father. "Dobby!"

Dobby arrived with a loud pop, which made Harry hide behind Sirius at the noise.

"What can Dobby do for Masters Draco?" Dobby asked.

"Add another full queen bed to my room, please. I'm sure there's enough space. It's for Harry," Draco said.

"Right away Masters Draco," Dobby left with another loud pop.

"I didn't know house elves could do that," Harry said in awe.

"What do you mean?" Draco asked.

"The elves at Potter Manor don't apparate. They just walk or run. They've never apparated," Harry said, staring at the spot where Dobby was.

"Are you serious?" Draco asked.

"No I'm Harry, that's Sirius. I think you've lost your mind Draco," Harry grinned, pointing at said godfather who was now barking with laughter.

Draco groaned and pulled Harry behind him to his room, "So is it true?"

"Is what true?" He asked.

"Sirius and Remus snuck into the ministry polyjuiced as your parents and Peter just there as an eye witness to get you all the lordships to the Death Eaters who either don't want or can't have kids?" Draco said without a breath.

"I was told something along those lines, yes," Harry said.

"Wow. You're gonna be the richest wizard ever when you accept them," Draco said. "But before then, I'll be the richest!"

Harry giggled as they walked into Dracos room. They chatted about trivial things before heading off into peaceful slumber accidentally both only on Draco's bed as the second bed had yet to be placed.


Harry was no where in sight as the Potter's stayed well past midnight searching the train for their son before heading home, figuring that he was with Sirius, Remus or Peter. They had sent quick letters to the three godfathers before heading off to bed in a restless slumber, worried for the life of the youngest Potter.

You don't realise what you took advantage of, until after it's gone.
A/n: Hope you enjoyed the chapter, next week is a whole no school because winter break! Yay! Gonna post two maybe three chapters in that week! -XOXO Tassy

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