Chapter Two

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Be Careful With What You Forget; Or Rather, Whom You Forget. They May Just Lose Their Voice.


James, Lily, Albus, Sirius, Peter, Remus, and a few Aurors ran into the twin baby boys bedroom.

Harry was attempting to reassure his brother that everything was alright with his baby babble. That's when everyone noticed the bandages formed like a V on Evan's arm. Harry had a scar on his shoulder in the shape of a singular lightening bolt.

"Which one is it Dumbles?" Sirius asked. Everyone was on edge, trying to figure out which one it was. Harry's scar wasn't bleeding, but Evan's scar was.

Harry sighed and stood in the crib, he reached his arms up.

"May-mee Day-ee," he whined.

When neither went forward he began to grow upset, thinking that they thought he hurt his older brother.

"Payfuh? Moo-ie?" He tried. Again, nothing.

"Wu-tay?" He was about to cry, surely Wormtail wouldn't believe he hurt his older brother.

Peter quickly rushed forward, picking up the boy and bouncing him as Harry let silent tears trail his cheeks.

"Hey hey, Uncle Wormtail is right here. We're not mad at you, we know you didn't hurt him. Sh, yeah look at Uncle Wormtail. Do you want your pacifier? Yeah?" He began comforting the child and grabbed the emerald pacifier on the dresser, gently putting it in Harry's mouth.

Everyone stared at Peter now. Before they wondered how he had managed to marry Gilderoy Lockhart's sister, and now they knew. It was his big heart and love and care for children. They shook their heads and got back on topic.

Dumbledore took a test of magical auras of the two boys, Harry's was weak. Weak to the point he might be rendered a squib, but Evan was radiating pure light magic.

"Evan is the chosen one, Harry however.." he trailed off.

"What's wrong with my youngest Albus?" Lily looked offended.

He looked at Lily then James, "Harry is powerless to the point of a squib."

There were large gasps in the room. Lily started to sob, knowing that her youngest would probably never be able to do magic. Harry understood everything and took the pacifier out of his mouth.

"Nuo nuo! I sazef Ev-ay!" He said trying to convince them that it was him who protected his brother.

"It's okay Harry. We still love you. Even if you can't do magic," James tried to comfort his youngest who had managed to outshine his brother in walking and talking. Everyone gave the youngest boy sympathetic looks. They all knew Harry had always outshone Evan in anything, but being a squib wasn't something anyone controlled.

Evan smiled, he understood what was going on.

"James, perhaps you should try spending more time and money on Evan. He will need as much love and affection as possible to be able to feel as though he will be able to defeat Voldemort in the final battle once he is older," Dumbledore said.

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