Chapter Eight

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As Nightmares Live On, So Does Care, Concern, and Love


Harry stared at him self in the mirror. It was the weekends which meant no classes. He already hated Hogwarts, he had to perform exceptionally well in activities to make certain he would receive perfect scores or higher. Which he was, no surprise seeing as he started learning magic in secret.

His most exceptionally accomplished class was Potions of course. Harry had always seemed to be a natural in that area. On Monday, they were going to begin flying lessons. He could not wait for the class, he knew well the freedom many felt from flying seeing as Sirius took him on rides on the Nimbus 2000 he had bought a little bit ago.

Now with Harry in Slytherin, Evan and his parents had been constantly trying to impress, or astound him into getting him to possibly change houses. Not only that, but the way that James had seen Severus treat Harry like a son made him jealous. As well as the way that Zabini, Nott, Crabbe and Goyle along with Malfoy treated Harry so brotherly making Evan jealous.

Of course they still didn't love him, but they were getting there. Meanwhile, Harry and Draco were grinning at the ridiculous looks on everyone's faces earlier in the Great Hall.


Harry had woken up from a horrid nightmare, one where everyone had left him. Everyone he had left. He bolted upright and left the room quietly as to not disturb Draco. He felt an odd calming sensation from the room coming from down the hall of the boys dormitory and headed towards it.

Inside was a green bed, a soft green colour, a desk and anything needed for one person. He sat on the bed before feeling the need to lay down and before he knew, he was sound asleep.

The next morning he awoke only to see all of his items in the room that had calmed him from the nightmare with him. There was no doubt Draco could be worried and so he charmed a peice of parchment into a swan and sent it to his friend.

Harry soon spotted a bathroom attachment and went inside to see his products on the shelves. He took a shower and cast a tempus to see it was 6:50 A.M. before changing into black robes with a dark emerald shade necktie.

He looked at himself in the mirror, before getting a book with no cover. It was a book on dark spells that were most powerful with wandless and wordless magic. He made his way out of the room only for everyone to be shocked at him coming out of the room.

Then Draco ran out of the dorm he shared with him and saw him.

"Are you alright? Why did you leave the room? Did something happen? Why didn't you wake me up?" He questioned Harry. Harry pouted then Draco sighed. "Fine, you don't have to tell me. But wake me up if something happens next time instead of going to that room." He hugged Harry as his concerns started to drift away knowing his friend was okay.  Harry hugged back before they began walking to the Great Hall for breakfast.

The rumours about them were gone as everyone practically forgot the day before. The rest of the Slytherins figured that it was just a joke the two boys played yesterday seeing as today was as if nothing was lovely, which meant that Draco had played them and Harry was in on it.

Malfoy was holding back undignifying snorts of laughter while Harry grinned when everyone's faces were confused.

"WE'VE BEEN PLAYED BY THE MIDGET AND MALFOY!" Pansy exclaimed as she put two and two together.

Malfoy began to bark out laughter and Harry pouted, not appreciating being called a midget but nonetheless couldn't help the wide grin that graced his features. Everyone in the Great Hall groaned.

"Hare we've been found out!" Malfoy laughed. "Quick let's make our escape!"

Harry rolled his eyes and ate breakfast while the other students groaned or laughed at how they fell for it only for none of the day before's morning to be true. Harry finished his food, as did the rest of the friend group before they had left breakfast early to get to Double Potions with the Gryffindorks early.

Evan was all in all surprisingly relieved his twin had not been in love with Malfoy. But they were still best friends and most of the other boys in Slytherin treated him like their younger brother.

As time continued it finally came time for flying practice. Everyone made their way to the open feild and saw the brooms on the grass, Harry and the rest of the Slytherins went on the right side with brooms with the Gryffindorks on the left.

As soon as they were set, none other than the Auror James Potter had appeared. Everyone stared in awe as the famed Gryffindor Alumni had shown. Everyone knew James Potter had been the youngest to join the quidditch team at second year and the Gryffindors never lost a single game with him on the team, a seeker no less.

"Alright everyone, your previous teacher, Madame Hooch, has desired to retire last minute. As per requested by both ministry and the Headmaster, I will be taking over as your new flight teacher. We will learn with basics of flying and gradually move up to tricks in the air with our brooms," James paused. "Evan Potter, you may be my son but that does not give you an excuse to speak out of turn. And Ronald Weasley your mother will be told of that you are speaking during class time. 5 points from Gryffindor each for talking out of turn."

Harry smirked but said nothing, as per usual. Draco talked to Harry quietly that even though they were supposed to keep a couple act the whole 'it was a prank' was true and hilarious, there wasn't a single person who didn't believe them. Harry had just nodded as he kept a smirk on his face. James noticed Draco talking but ignored it.

"Now, step to the opposite side of your wand hand to the broom. If you're right handed move to the left and left handed move to the right. Stretch your hand to the top of the broom and firmly say 'Up'," James said. "And Harry, in you're case let magic flow to your hands and allow that to pull the broom up, it won't consume too much magic but will allow you to pick up the broom without speaking."

Harry nodded, Sirius had already taught him how to pick the broom up without speaking. Besides, saying up wasn't necessary, it was the magic in your hands that pick the broom up instantly.

Not long after, Harry's and Draco's brooms were in their hands meanwhile James was trying to help the other students in summoning their brooms. After everyone had their brooms up, they were set to mount the brooms and were about to take off at the whisten when Neville zoomed up screaming for help.

Draco snickered while Harry smiled. Both boys saw the remembrall that fell from Neville's pocket. Harry mounted his broom and dove for it. Before spinning his broom around and pulling Neville off his broom before he crashed into the castle walls. He went back to the grounds slowly as not to scare the already frightened boy. Once reaching the grass James checked Neville to see he had only broken his wrist.

"Alroght, everyone stay on the ground. I'm taking Neville to Madame Pomfrey," James said. "And if any of you move you'll find yourself suspended with a hell load of detention or worse," he threatened as an afterthought.

This only encouraged Harry and Draco  to fly without getting caught.Harry threw the remembrall to Draco and after that Draco threw it harshly. Harry sped, grabbing it before it fell to the ground. Then Evan tried to grab Harry, but before he could Draco pushed him back to the ground violently, as if daring him to try to pull Harry down. He threw it back to Draco and they paled slightly as Snape began to walk briskly to them.

"Mister Potter, Mister Malfoy. Come with me this instant. Harry pouted and Draco whined, "Come on Snape! We were just messing around!"

"Nevertheless you will come with me this instant young man. You too Mister Potter," Snape said, watching the boys with a careful eye. Harry and Draco dismounted the brooms and began walking with Snape back to the castle.


I don't look for trouble, it finds me.

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