"Oh deary, you and me were created. But we are not dolls like someone from a long time ago did to bring somebody to life. We were created from a single eternity but that Goddess clan had separate us at creation so we never met each other until now. Would you like me to tell you everything that you have never known about yourself?" Should i be doing this? She's with the commandments. But learning something about myself that apparently 'he' never told me. I guess it's worth it. I just hope i won't regret this. I nodded at her and she took it that i was ready to here what she had to say. She turned away to look at sunset again and became to speak.

"Well you see..."


Over 4000 years ago, there lived a girl in the vampire realm. She was the daughter of the current ruler of the vampires. Her name was Carman. This girl was a lot different than the other vampire. Containing a lot of 'destructive' power. The power to control any being she wants. Being able to use their powers easily while in control. She can control the bodies of the living and the dead. But she also had another power, her late mother had this power and gave it to Carman before she died. The ability to stop and start time. So this girl was very powerful, many had feared her so know one would try and take the throne of the Vampires away.

This girl was beloved by all her subjects or so she thought. With the vampires, life is very difficult especially with the human race. Being the weakest of the races, most of the vampires went after them for blood since the humans don't really have a chance to fight back. But the more stronger vampires went after the other races like the giants. If they drink all the blood in the giant's body, will feed them for about a year depending on the size of the giant. Only the best of the best go after demon blood. Not only is it hard to get a demon with nice tasting blood in a place easy to bite in, you drink enough demon blood. A war would start between Demons and Vampires. They went to war a lot. Over such stupid reasons but they always found a way to stop it, temporarily.

Being that the mother of Carman died when Carman was only five. Carman's father the king, was very overprotective. But Carman actually enjoyed living in the castle. No, this girl wasn't the nicest or kindest person. She was a bit of a brat inside of her castle. She enjoyed watching others do everything for her. But she still had some kindness in her, 'unfortunately'. It was only at the standard that if you do something. worth her being kind to you, for her she'll do something kind for you. That was very rare occasion.

Anyway back to what's important. During the latest war between the two races. This war had lasted longer than normal. That was all because the Goddess race had intervened this time. Getting in between the two races made the war longer. The three races had gotten so intense that the rulers had joined the fight at certain moments. Meaning the princess Carman herself, had joined the fight. Causing a lot of damage. Taking control of certain demons and Goddess. Lucky the war was over before the commandments had interfered. Before Meliodas betrayal of course. Nobody wanted to mess with Meliodas. Him being one of the strongest people around.

Though the consequences of war were violent especially for the vampire race. Did i mention the Vampires aren't so forgiving? I mean all of them are a bunch of sadistic's so it's not that surprising. Since the war had ended with a more peaceful way than most vampires had wanted. Let's just say they were very furious with the Vampiric rulers. Screaming at the castle about how they could of claimed victory differently. But did the king and princess listen? No. They got tired of the protests so Carman used her powers and sent them away back to their homes. Warning them all if they ever came to protest against them again. They would pay with their lives.

Some of the more respected and powerful vampires took action. One of those vampires had the ability to stop another by surrounding them in ice. Of course, they'd need to be by a water source since they surround the victim with water than freeze it. Trapping them. So the respected vampires set a trap for the princess. Setting up the trap was easy, they pushed a child into lake. Carman had witness this and went to save her but before she could stop time to save her. She was trapped.

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