The Darkness...

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-Clares POV-

One shot and it was black. I pulled the trigger and it was black. Nothing but darkness. I thought there was supposed to be a light and a darkness. Finally I see something off in the distance. It looks like a person, maybe I'm not alone after all... "Hello is anyone there?Please tell me whats going on!" I yell toward the apparation. It comes and moves closer towards me. "Greetings"   'It' says to me. "Who are you,what are you,where are you?" I ask anxiously, I wanna know where I am. "You are in what the humans like to call 'afterlife'" Oh my fucking god. My suicide attempt actually worked. "Ok and who are you?" I have many questions to ask, But I figured I should at least know who I'm talking to...or rather what I'm talking to. "I am not a god nor a human being nor apparation or 'ghost' but an afterlife instigator" That did'nt really answer my question but I guess thats the best I'll be getting. "So what happens now then?" I ask nervously, What is afterlife is worse than life itself? "You will find the way" It says to me. A light shines bright and a door opens. I put my hand on the knob, terrified of what is going to happen next. I open the door and prepare for whatever may be behind it. I walk through and start falling, for the rest of eternity. 

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