The Party

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I get a text from her. "R u coming?" "Yes of course...I'm on my way." I reply. I is a little late, but I finally arrives to the party. "Who invited emo boy?" Says one of the preps at the door as I walk into the house, I just ignore it, I mean I'm used to it by now. I looked around for Clare, I find her over on the couch drinking with some friends. Shes pulls out a pack of cigs and a lighter. She smokes? i walk over to her and she blows the smoke in my face laughing.

        "Glad you could make it Caleb" She smiles whilst bitting her lip. "Yeah no problem, It's not like I had anything to do anyways" I says with a sigh, Because it's true, But I'm happy to spend time with clare. A guy walks up to her and kisses her..Wait hold up what the hell... "Oh Caleb this is my friend Jacob" "What the hell..." I did'nt know that she had a boyfriend? "Yeah shes taken prick" Jacob replies whilst putting his arm around her. I run out of the place before I have a mental breakdown. She used me..I thought she loved me...I punch a brick wall of someone's house until my hand starts to bleed. I go to the gas station to buy a pack of cigarettes because I still have a couple dollars in my pocket. shit I can't buy this without getting in trouble, I need someone to get these for me. I see a guy right outside the gas station wearing a huge coat. 

        Maybe he can help me...I apporach him slowly. "Hey you think if I gave you this money, That you could get me a pack of cigs?" I ask him as Cautious as possible. "Eh, Its on me buddy, Dont waste your money on something that needs the pain taken away" He says pulling some money out of his coat and walking into the gas station. He comes back out about 5min later, with a pack of cigarettes,and hands them to me. "Here you go bud" He says whilst handing them to me. "Thank you so much" I say shaking his hand, Noone has ever bought cigarettes for me...

        "Dont mention it, anytime!" He says while sitting back down on the sidewalk. "Are you homeless?" I ask without thinking. That was a stupid question to ask. "No,You see,I just don't like my home, my family, It's a long story that I don't feel like explaning" He says while taking a drink of coke. "Nah its cool man your fine, Just again thanks for the pack" I say while walking away. 

         This is not how I planned my night.

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