Love Hurts...

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The next morning was terrible.... I check my phone.. it reads 4 new messages..."Hey Caleb I'm really really sorry about last night I was drunk and had no idea what I was doing, I dont remeber everything that happenned but my friend Lexi told me what I did.. I broke up with the guy I didnt even want to date him I was intoxicated i took ectasy and he asked me out so i said yes im so so so soooo sorry please forgive me" That text was from Clare.

        The others read "Caleb I'm really sorry i'm an idiot and stupid and a fuck up and i trully didnt mean to and you have every right to be mad at you" The next text is an image... it's a picture of a gun. The next text reads "I'm a fuck up, I cant do anything right, All I do is mess up everything and i just cant do this anymore.. Sorry for everything i did really i am.. but it was nice knowing you caleb.. i love you.. even though you probably dont love me anymore" I call her.

        The phone continues to ring. "Come on come on damnit Clare" I say, about to break down in tears. I know what I have to do. I start running to Clare's house. My legs are in burning pain. I climb up to Clare's window and open it. I jump into her room,I see her crying in the corner with the gun loaded and aimed to her head. "NO DONT CLARE I LOVE YOU" I yell panicking, I cant loose her. "CLARE LISTEN TO ME IM NOT MAD AT YOU I FORGIVE YOU PLEASE DONT" I yell, I hope yelling doesnt make this more worse than it already is..

        "I love you...But...Goodbye" She says wryly. She pulls the trigger. I scream in agony. "NO CLARE FUCKING HELL GODDAMNIT FUCK FUCK FUCK" I scream. I cant loose her. I pull out my phone shakingly, and dial 911. "911 whats your emergency?" "Yes, Yes, hi hi, send help please just send help quick send an ambulance send the whole police station please help" I say my voice shaking, I'm trying to stay as calm as possible. "Sir please remain calm. What is the situation?" The provider says on the other line, trying to calm me down I presume. 

        "MY GIRLFRIEND JUST FUCKING SHOT HERSELF PLEASE JUST HELP ME FOR FUCKS SAKE" I say yelling, I just need them to send some goddamn help. "Help is on the way please just remain calm, how did you find her, was there anyone else in the house when this happenned?" "No she she she texted me a picture of a gun and said i love you and goodbye and i tried to call her and she wouldnt answer so I ran to her as fast as I could trying to save her and when I got here she had the gun up to her head and I tried to stop her but she pulled the trigger right in front of me" I say while I'm practicaly having a mental breakdown. I see the ambulance pull up along with about 2 cop cars.

         I see cops and paramedics running into the house, they break down the door and about 5 guys lift Clare into the ambulance gently. "Hey there buddy everything's gonna be okay, just get in my car, your not in trouble im just gonna give you a ride to the hospital to be with your girlfriend alright buddy its okay everythings gonna be alright" A cop says to me,rubbing my shoulder. We walk over to his cop car and he opens the door for me and I sit down in the backseat of his vehicle. He gets in the front and starts the car. "Thank you sir" I say to him wryly,trying to calm myself down a bit. "No problem, dont thank me son" He replys.

        I love her so much..and I might have just lost her.. why was I even born..? 


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