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           It's friday night and he sits in his room alone. Parents are fighting in the kitchen as usaul. His little sister screaming at them to stop. He goes to unlock his phone.The messages read "emo fag" "go kill yourself" "awe what are you gonna do?Go slit your wrists again?" when will this ever end He thinks to himself. He stares at his blade as if they are begging to be used. He goes to his dresser drawer and pulls out the pack of cigarettes he hides underneath his clothes. He grabs his lighter and lights it, then breaths in the smoke with a sigh of relief.

        He hears his dad coming down the hall. "oh shit" he says,panicking as he hides the pack of cigs under his pillow and throws the one he was smoking out the window. His dad punches his door. "Let me in!" His father screams. "C-Coming!" He stutters, Nervous of whats gonna happen. He unlocks his door and before he can say anything, HIs dad punches his wall. "What the fuck stop!" He yells at his father angered.

        "I'm gonna kill her, I sware I'll fucking kill that bitch" His father whispers to himself. "What happened?" He asks, a bit pissed off. "Your mother thats what happened you piece of shit" His father yells. "Well don't come into my room to take it out on me" He says, trying to be calm as possible. His father walks out of his room and slams his door on the way out.

 He goes to his blades. He finds relief in them.. Like they are the cure to his sadness...The light to his day.. 1 cut.. 2 cuts.. 3 cuts.. 4.. His sister walks in the room.. "What are you doing?!?" She screams. "shhhhh" He says dropping the blade and covering her mouth. "Dont tell mom or dad heres 20 bucks now stay quiet" He hands her 20 dollars as tears go down her face. "okay" She says wryly.

        The next morning he walks to the bus stop with his sister. "Why would you do that?" She says to him. He goes silent. "None of your damn buisness" He pulls out a cigarette and his lighter. "You smoke? Your 14.Thats bad for you." His sister says in a innocnet tone. "Does it look like a give a fuck" He says as he breaths out the smoke. "Well you should" She says. The bus pulls up. "After You" He says while throwing his cigarette to the ground after one last breathe, whilst putting the cigarettes and lighter in his pocket. His sister walks onto the bus and then he follows after her.

         The bus stops at the school. They both get off. "You better not get in trouble for having that here, Dad will kill you, Literally" His sister says concerned. "I'm not gonna get in trouble now shut the fuck up, you better not tell anyone." He says sternley. "I'm not, I'm not, and don't tell me to shut the f up" His sister says angered by what he just said.

         That say at school is complete shit. "Look here comes gay boy" One of the football players says, pointing at him. "Hey excuse me, I was wondering if you have any pills? I'm Depressed" One of the cheerleaders says while laughing with the rest of them. "Whats on your arm?Cuts? Awe I'm Depressed I'm gonna go cut myself" Another football player says, laughing with the rest of the group. He pushes the football player into the locker. "FUCK OFF I WILL FUCKING KILL YOU" He screams and everyone starts to form a crowd. A teacher comes. "Hey,Hey,get off of him right now, Come on your coming to the office with me." The teacher says, grabbing his arm as they head to the Principal's office.

        "Now, what was that all about?" The principal says concerned. "He- he-He would'nt stop." He says quitely. "Wouldn't stop what?" The principal says, leaning forward concerned. "He was just annoying me thats all" He says wryly. "Well if you pull something like that again, I'm going to have to suspend you, But just take this as a warning" The principal says. "Ok" He says, walking out of the principals office pissed off.

         As he's walking back to class his phone starts to ring. It's his dad. He answers it. "Um hello?" He says as he answers the phone, Wondering why his dad is calling him in the middle of the school day. "Hey dont come home today,In fact dont come back home at all" His dad says in a serious voice. "What why?What do you mean?Hello?Dad?" He says confused. "Dont ever call or have any contact with me again" His dad says. The call Ends.

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