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15 YEARS LATERPOV ARCHIEI left London this morning and still have two days to travel to Greendale.In these days I am very agitated both at the thought of what is happening and for the fact of seeing it again. I am aware that the time has passed is so much but something moves only at the thought of him. I would have liked our reunion to be in other circumstances but the situation requires it willingly or unwillingly to happen.Especially with what I got to know a few days ago in Manchester. Unfortunately Ambrose was right on many fronts including this saying that one cannot escape from the past and this is the demonstration.Although 16 years have passed since the events of that wretched day, that Friday 17 September, they still haunt us with consequences. Those consequences have the shape of the Black Shark.When my colleague Harry and my most trusted friend told me I thought I was in a nightmare that I understood correctly but unfortunately it is reality.A week ago I wrote him a letter to him and now together as we were that day we have to face the consequences of our mistakes.Dear Ambrose,I am Archie Armstrong, your old Cambridge partner, I know that we haven't been in a long time since that fateful day but I wanted to know how you were and above all to warn you that I am going to return to our beloved Greendale.I imagine you will ask yourself the reason for my sudden return to our hometown, in a nutshell now a threat looms over us and whether you like it or not we have to talk about it.ArchieSome people have come to know what we have done and I don't know between when they will act and not even in what way but I'm sure nothing good.Be careful.

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