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Arrived at the destination with the first train I immediately set off towards the Spellman house, arrived at the door and opening is Zelda Spellman.I said good morning to Zelda and invited me to enter, I enter the house and I realize that nothing has really changed since then.

Zelda offers me a coffee and I gladly accept, she asks me '' what can I do for you? '' And I reply '' I am looking for Ambrose, I must tell him something important ''.Zelda looked at me with a suspicious look noting my agitation, she replies that she is not at home at the moment.

 In the meantime, she asked me what I had done in the past 16 years and I told her that I had started working at an occult investigation agency, that I had made a career and that I had become one of the most important characters in the agency.Not noticing the presence of another Spellman I asked her where Hilda was and she replied that she lived in a town next to her with her new husband and that they had opened a new place in Riverdale. Waiting for Ambrose I turned around a bit and asked her about Sabrina.

At that moment the atmosphere froze, with a dark look she replied that she was in hell and that she had not been heard for years now. Surprised by this news I asked her why and she replied that she had become the new queen of hell.

Noting my expression of this latest news, Zelda explained to me all the latest events of the past few years. How it all started from Sabrina's dark baptism to her farewell and the definitive defeat of Father Blackwood.

Since I understood in the last hour, things have happened in the last period in this little corner of the world.While we were still talking about what motivations could have pushed Sabrina to leave without even saying goodbye in person but with a letter to her family and her closest friends specifying that it would be better this way it got dark for everyone.I decided it was time to go and go directly to Ambrose. Before leaving, I asked Zelda where I could find him and he pointed out the Dorian Gray Room to me.Greendale was submerged in the night in the meantime I was going to the wizard's room, my thoughts wandered.Not only on this unfortunate situation, but for Ambrose for what I still felt for him and at our ever-closer meeting. What would he think? What would we have said to each other? Above all what will we do?Now arrived at the goal I hurried to enter because I was starting to get cold, entered the place my gaze began to wander in the room looking for him but I did not find him. I decided to leave out of the corner of my eye I saw a familiar face.'' Hey Armstrong, come and have a drink with an old friend of yours! '' And I knew immediately who it was.

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