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Pov Nicholas

"In the end you still haven't told me the reason that brought you here, would you like to tell me?"

Faced with her insistence, I finally give in and reply "I'm here for strictly personal reasons."

I was hoping that with this answer she would appease her curiosity but I was not successful. "What could bind a sorcerer like you to this place?"

To avoid her questioning about her, I moved away a little but she soon discovered that Rebecca's curiosity knew no obstacles when she wanted to know something.

"I bet it has to do with a girl, right?"

He nodded in defeat.

I later left the room to go to my room to begin preparing for the famous reception.

From what Rebecca told me this would be the event of the year in which all the most influential characters of the infernal court will participate.

When she told me, my heart swelled with hope, if the information she gave me is correct, Sabrina will probably be there too. It will be an excellent opportunity to meet us.

For now, I need a bracing shower.

A short time later I get out of the shower and wrap my pelvis with a towel. I head to the mirror and put on some cologne.

I sense the presence of someone in the anteroom who said "I bet your dream of love would be that of you introducing yourself to her then you two resolving things from the past and then getting back together stronger first, right?"

Curiosity is really starting to irritate me. I coldly reply that that's exactly my intentions.

I turn and see Rebecca walking slowly in my direction and then saying "What if this trip of yours has another unexpected ending?"

I wonder where she wants to go with this strange speech of hers and with these ambiguous attitudes.

"What kind of ending are you referring to?"

Continuing her she advanced towards me she replied with a seductive tone "Of you who can finally turn a page that lets go of the past."

She put her hands on my shoulders and added "Maybe we could do it together for example." Then she puts her lips on mine and I yield.

With a start I walk away and ask her "But what are you making me do?"

Rebecca surprised by my reaction replies "What we both want." You're wrong I don't want this at all, at least not with her.

"You're wrong I want another one, but sorry don't you think about your boyfriend? I'm sure he wouldn't be so happy to know you were going to seduce another man."

She rolled her eyes and exclaimed "We are not obliged to tell our partners everything, we are free to do what we want in here as long as they don't know. Don't you agree with me?"

A few years ago she could have tempted me but now these attitudes no longer belong to me.

I noticed Rebecca studying me from top to bottom and then saying "Too bad ... I recognize that your love for that girl is sincere, if I had been less modest we could have enjoyed ourselves."

When she was about to leave the room she asked her "Are you really fond of that boy?"

She stopped and said, "Yes, I am. Unlike the many others I've been with, Goffredo is the one who treated me most sweetly."

She approached me and added with a sad look "Unfortunately our relationship is hampered on many fronts."

I asked her what the obstacles were in their relationship. Rebecca told me "Against me there are both the sisters and the boy's mother."

My curiosity took over and I asked her why they were against her.

"His mother does not think that my social position is not enough but the good thing that Goffredo does not give much weight to her words while the real problem is that Goffredo has a real veneration almost a fear for his sister. "

And I asked her "And why doesn't her sister like you?"

She said to me "Her her sister thinks me a little good and also too old for her little brother. She thinks she still treats him as if she were a kindergarten child and she thinks I manipulate him."

After this confession from Rebecca I reassure her by saying "I think their judgment is exaggerated, I guess they are just afraid that the boy will be hurt in the course of your relationship."

So we continued to chat together and then we realized we had to hurry to get ready because we had to go to the reception.

Rebecca ran to her room while I hurried to get dressed.


By a miracle we were both able to get ready and get to the party in time. He offered his arm to Rebecca who grabbed it firmly and we begin to enter the large hall.

Meanwhile Rebecca whispered in my ear "I'm sorry for trying with you before, you will soon learn I have a weakness for clandestine stories. I don't do it on purpose, that's how I am."

I told her not to worry that I had already forgotten about it and added that nothing will ever happen between us in the future.

She said "I hope we can become good friends in the future."

I replied that it was possible.

Love or power? This is the real questionDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora