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Sequel to: Ramen

Disclaimer: It is not my fault if you decide to go through with reading this one shot. It is also not my fault if you get PTSD from this one shot. This is only a work of fiction because I got bored

P.S I got a bit too carried away with this.

PART 2 OF: Imagine

“To leave hell, we have to destroy the hazbin hotel.” You watch Ryuji take a step back and scream “FOR REAL?!” You think this is a very crazy idea, but at the same time, it’s your only shot at getting back to the mortal realm. You know you’d rather be in the mortal realm than work at the hazbin hotel for eternity. Morgana and Ryuji would probably agree with you too. You know you also don’t want Ryuji to keep continuously throwing up all over you because of that gay ass spider thing. Ryuji and Morgana look at you and pull you towards them. “Joker, you need to listen to our plan, so we can actually escape hell.” You nod in agreement as you listen to Morgana’s plan. “Ok first, it’s gonna take at least one day for the plan to take motion, so you will have to help out at the hazbin hotel.” Ryuji immediately butts in screaming, “FOR REAL?!” You pinch Ryuji as you continue to listen to Morgana’s plan. “Yes, you will have to help out at the hazbin hotel. But, it won’t be long. From my time here, the timespan in hell passes by quickly compared to the time on earth. They still think I’m trapped behind this wall curtain thingy, so they won’t think a thing of it. I know they have bombs around hell, so I’m gonna head out and get them, because driving through the building won’t do enough damage. While I’m gone I’ll talk to you guys when I have the chance to let you in on any information I have. But in the meantime, the one demon you have to look out for is the Radio demon. He’s a piece of shit.” “But Morgana, what about the curtain?” You ask. “Eh, I’ll go out tonight and find someone who looks like me or something.” Ryuji looks at you and you look at him and then you both look at Morgana. You all share a bro moment before giving a simple nod. “Do we have to destroy the actual building to get out?” You say with confused a confused look. “There’s a book at the top of the hazbin hotel that was stolen from a company that I believe was called the Immediate Murder Professionals. If we take their book and give it back to them, there’s a likely chance we can negotiate with them to let us go back to earth. Also, I wanna destroy this hotel just for the HELL of it. It’s ugly as FUCK.” Morgana raises his shoulders as he speaks cringe. “Haha hell jokes are funny because this fanfiction takes place in hell HAHAHAHAHA.” You look at Morgana with a worried face. “Who hurt you?” Morgana starts to cry as he just says in an angry voice, “LET’S JUST GET THE HELL OUT OF HELL!!!!” You wipe away Morgana’s tears as you share a bro moment. Ryuji is completely doing something else until he screams “Hey guys! Look what I found!” You and Morgana both run over to Ryuji to see he’s holding a kazoo. “Are you kidding me Ryuji? Of all the useful things you could of found, you found a KAZOO?! You’re still the same.” Ryuji Sticks his tongue out at Morgana as he proceeds to stick the kazoo in his pocket. You grab the kazoo from Ryuji’s hands and take a look at it. It seems to have a letter on it. “S”. You give it back to Ryuji. “Hey Ryuji. Keep this kazoo.” Morgana gives you the look he always gives Ryuji. “Are you serious?! It’s a KAZOO!!!” “It’s hell Morgana. The possibilities are endless. Who knows what powers a kazoo could hold? We’re holding onto it. Also, you have to listen to me since I’m the leader of the Phantom Thieves.” He pouts like a little bitch and just simply says, “Ok boomer.” You’re interrupted by Ryuji screaming “Holy Shit! There’s actually a daylight cycle in hell! It’s actually night!” You just want to leave this gay ass hotel so you decide to sleep before you pull what Morgana did to you weeks ago. So you tell everyone, “GO TO BED.” (The next day in hell) You wake up, and you can’t believe it’s your second day in hell. You look out the window, and you realize it’s probably early because it looks like the nether realm. Morgana couldn’t sleep with you because you and Ryuji thought it was best to  have him hide from the radio demon and you’re still traumatized from him killing you with your own bed. Before you all went to bed last night Morgana went out and somehow actually found a demon in hell that looked just like him and stuck it behind the curtain, so he’s hiding under the bed for now. As you just sit there and look outside your window, You are interrupted by your hotel room slamming open.“GOOD MORNING MY FELLOW DEMONS. WELCOME TO YOUR SECOND DAY IN HELL!” Ryuji screams like a gay baby as he jumps out of his bed in a cold sweat. The radio demon looks at you and Ryuji and just laughs like a complete maniac. “HAHA I DIDN’T MEAN TO SCARE YOU! YOU PROBABLY GOT A HELLUVA KICK OUT OF THAT. HAHA GET IT? IT’S A HELL JOKE! You watch Ryuji hop out of his bed as he says “No shit.” The radio demon looks behind him as angel dust walks in and he makes direct eye contact with Ryuji. You hope Ryuji doesn’t throw up again. “SO WHOS HUNGRY? I STILL HAVE THAT RECIPE FOR JAMBALAYA!” You're hungry, but you have a gut feeling that you can't trust them. You look to Ryuji and you can tell he’s thinking the same thing. And at the same time, you both say, “We’re not hungry.” You both look at each other and share a bro moment. That bro moment is then broken by angel dust as he gay up says, “I’m hungry, but for you Ryuji.” I looked at Ryuji as he started throwing up everywhere. Again. He must have a really bad case of arachnophobia. Angel dust just says “Suit yourself.” and leaves. The radio demon just laughs. “OH BOY, THAT MUST SUCK. OH WELL, WE DON’T HAVE TIME FOR STANDING AROUND, WE HAVE A HOTEL TO ATTEND TO! LET’S HEAD OUT!” Before you leave the room with the radio demon, you realize that those two chicks from earlier won’t be important until the hazbin hotel is actually destroyed because they’re boring. As you walk out of the room, you hear a small “psst.” from Morgana. You look at him as he sticks his thumb up and you nod back at him. You share a small bro moment. You and Ryuji then quietly follow the radio demon out of the room to avoid conflict. As you walk down to the lobby, the radio demon decides to break the silence. “YOU DIDN’T LOOK BEHIND THE CURTAIN, RIGHT?” Your hands start to sweat as you try to come up with something quickly. “Uh… no! We didn’t touch it! We didn’t want to risk dying, especially since it was our first day in hell after all.” You nervously gulp as you hope he takes your word for it. “MIGHTY SPLENDID!!!! SO MAYBE YOU DO LISTEN AFTER ALL……” You nervously laugh as you continue sweating “Haha… yeah…” Ryuji just looks at you in his nasty ass vomit covered clothes. You just hope this day in hell is over soon. Hopefully Morgana has already snuck out of the hotel and has started getting bombs already or whatever the hell he needs. “TODAY IS AN EXCITING DAY BECAUSE YOU WILL BE HELPING OUT AT THE HOTEL WITH ME, NIFTY, ANGEL DUST, AND OF THE OWNER OF THE HOTEL, CHARLOTTE!!!” You already know it’s going to be a long day. As you all reach the lobby, you look to see some weird blond demon girl run up to you, and she seems so joyful, for a demon. She was the one responsible for the pictures of rainbows and furries in your hotel room. She’s probably a furry in secret. Since she’s also the owner of the hotel, you might suspect that she’s the one who trapped Morgana. As you continue thinking your big brain thoughts, Charlotte suddenly comes out of nowhere and scares the shit out of you. “HI!!! I’M CHARLOTTE!!! I’m so happy you are at my Hazbin Hotel!!! It’s weird having other demons wander in here, since it’s never happened before.” You and Ryuji look at each other and smile awkwardly. “So I heard you were poisoned with ramen. Sounds Fun!” Ryuji stomps his foot. “We made up and we’re best bros again, ok?!” She smiles and winks, “Ok!” Angel Dust walks out from behind Charlotte and says “Hey, you hookers ready to help out with the hotel? Or maybe you don’t have to help, but spend quality time with me? *Wink.” You put your hand over Ryuji’s mouth before he has the chance to throw up, and you guess it worked, but your hand smells horrible now. “Hey Charlotte, do you have bathrooms in hell?” She looks at you and laughs. “Of course we do! They’re right by the bar! Wash your hands and we’ll start cleaning this place.” You just stick your thumb up and walk over to the bathroom to wash your hands. As you are washing your hands you’re pretty bummed out because you realize that you’ll never be able to make that bomb ass coffee Sojiro taught you to make. You want to stay and hide in the bathroom, but you have no choice but to go outside and help clean the nasty ass hotel, not only to go back to earth, but to stay alive. Plus you have to help Ryuji out.  At least one more day in hell. “Here we go” You thought to yourself as you left the bathroom. After what felt like an eternity of cleaning and watching Ryuji be hit on by a fucking spider, the day is finally over. You never heard anything from Morgana, so you feel a bit worried. As you and Ryuji head up to your rooms for the day, you hope to find Morgana there to see if he was at least waiting the day out. But just as you feared, he wasn’t there. What a rat. Ryuji puts his hands on your shoulder and just says, “Forget it man, he probably just dipped. we’ll find a way out of hell ourselves.” You just look at him with a sad face and say, “Ok.” Later that night, you hear strange noises coming from outside your hotel room. You get up quietly, and head out of your room, making sure not to wake Ryuji. You hear the strange noises come from down the hall. As you walk down the hall, the menacing text appears behind you. You hear talking. It’s Charlotte and the radio demon. You try to be as quiet as possible to listen in. “DON’T YOU THINK THAT THEY’VE BEEN HERE LONG ENOUGH CHARLOTTE? IT’S OBVIOUS THEY DON’T WANT TO HELP OUT WITH THE HOTEL. YOU KNOW EXACTLY WHY YOU BUILT THIS HOTEL AND YOU KNOW WHY I CAME TO HELP. IT’S REALLY NOT ABOUT REHABILITATION. IT’S ABOUT GAINING CONTROL OVER THE MORTAL REALM, AND YOU KNOW IT. THAT'S WHY WE STOLE THE BOOK IN THE FIRST PLACE.” Charlotte looks at the radio demon, in a menacing way, and you realize everything he said was true. “I know. But I need them to work for me or else I can’t take control over the mortal realm, believe it or not.” You look over at angel dust who’s just sitting there fixing his spider weave. “I don’t care what happens. I’m just after Ryuji's fine ass.” You know this is bad. You have to go back and tell Ryuji. Before you even have the chance to go back, something grabs you by your neck, and lifts you in the air. You’re then thrown into the room with all of the demons. “WELL CHARLOTTE, IT LOOKS LIKE SOMEONE WAS EAVESDROPPING ON OUR CONVERSATION.” You look at the radio demon in disgust. “You just wanted us to work as literal slaves for you!!!” You scream. Charlotte just laughs. “Now that you know what’s happening, you can start early!” Chains suddenly appear around your wrists, and you suddenly fall to your knees. “PERSONA!!” You try to use your persona to break off the chains, but you can’t. “As long as these chains are on, you can never leave this hotel. If you do, you will automatically die.” You suddenly hear footsteps from behind you. “Not if I can help it! PERSONA!!!” Ryuji’s uses Ziodyne and zaps all of the fur off angel dust, making him look like the spider from minecraft. Angel dust falls to the floor screaming. Before Ryuji can hit the radio demon, Ryuji is choked and lifted in the air with the radio demon's weird demon powers or something. He’s then thrown to the floor next to you and he’s chained too. “Eternal work starts right now!” Says Charlotte as she starts doing the most cringiest fortnite dances ever. Charlotte turns and looks at you. “ALSO JOKER, I KNOW YOU LOOKED BEHIND THE CURTAIN.” Ryuji falls to his knees as he screams “So you were the one who trapped Morgana behind the curtain!” Charlotte turns to Ryuji. “So you were the friends he spoke of? He’s not a loyal friend himself if you ask me.” You look and see Ryuji is actually sad that Morgana might have actually dipped. You step in by saying “Morgana is already far away from this hotel…it was for his own good. Angel dust just says “Oof.” You and Ryuji are suddenly lifted in the air by the demonic magic of the chains set by the radio demon, and you both are dragged off into the halls into the lobby screaming like little bitches. It’s been several hours since you and Ryuji were imprisoned as literal slaves for life. You’ve been cleaning the hotel for hours, wondering if Morgana was still out there. You have horrible carpet burn, and Angel dust forced you and Ryuji to change into Black butler cosplay outfits, specifically Sebastian’s butler outfit.. Angel dust has been all over Ryuji, but you’ve told him to stay strong and not throw up. It didn’t really work. You see that Ryuji had been more nauseous ever since Angel dust had to wear a dog cone around his head. Charlotte walks over to you as she says “I’m so happy I have you and Ryuji now! I could just sing a song about enslaving you!” You simply say, “I don’t like your singing.” She gets so offended she kicks you in the balls. “Men never respect women.” Charlotte pouts as she walks away from you. You fall to the ground in pain and agony. You think to yourself “If I somehow manage to escape from this place you’re first on my list you goddamn feminist.” Ryuji walks over to you and offers you a hand to lift you up, which you take. “Thanks Ryuji. You’re a real bro.” He smiles back and says “No problem bro.” You share a small bro moment. “Oh and by the way, that butler outfit makes you look dummy thicc Joker. No homo tho.” You think that was one of the best compliments you’ve ever received from Ryuji. “Bro…” Before you have the chance, your bro moment is interrupted by a loud noise from outside. “What was that?” Ryuji says. The noises get louder, and in a split second the wall near the bar EXPLODES, knocking you and Ryuji back, making a large ass hole in the hotel. You and Ryuji sit up and look around and think. “Wow, that’s a lot of damage.” You look over to the wall, and emerging from the ash and smoke is an all too familiar Morgana. You honestly thought that hoe dipped a long time ago. You and Ryuji both scream “Morgana!!” Morgana looks at you and says “Sorry it took me so long guys. I had a hard time getting the bombs because I had to wager my soul. I ended up winning, but a few hundred souls were lost.”  You smile. “We’re just happy you’re back. We honestly just thought you dipped.” Then from out of nowhere, the radio demon steps in, and looks hella pissed. “WHAT DID YOU DO?!?!? NOT EVEN FLEX SEAL CAN FIX THE DAMAGE YOU’VE DONE TO US PHYSICALLY AND FINANCIALLY!!!! YOU’RE GOING TO FUCKING DIE!!!!” The radio demon then lifts his hand and clenches his fist as he opens a portal from the ground, summoning what looks like a huge ass octopus.  The weird octopus monster finally lifts its head out of the portal, and its face looks exactly like Onision. You think to yourself “Pfft, groomer.” Suddenly screams “PATREON!!” as he flings one of his tentacles at you, Morgana, and Ryuji. You all dodge perfectly before he can strike. Morgana yells “PERSONA” as he proceeds to use his new move, mental breakdown. He uses his move on the onision looking octopus, successfully giving onision a breakdown. Onision starts screaming patreon and Chris Hansen in a deep voice as he starts wailing his tentacles in the air. Onision has a mental break down for three turns, giving you and the gang a chance to distance yourself. Just when you think you’re safe, you and Ryuji are lifted up into the air. “What the hell is going on Joker!?!?” You look at the chains and see them glowing red, as you try to look for the radio demon. You look around, and you spot him, along with charlotte and angel dust right behind the onision octopus, their faces holding menacing smiles, as the radio demon throws you and Ryuji right towards the onision octopus. Since onision is still having his mental breakdown, he hits you and Ryuji due to his tentacles wailing in the air. You are both knocked to the ground as Morgana screams “Joker! Ryuji!” You hit your head pretty hard, and you think you are done for. You see Morgana get picked up by angel dust and get thrown across the lobby, knocking right into you. Lying across from you is Ryuji, and you think that you are about to share your last bro moment together before death, but then you see something. You see the kazoo that Ryuji picked up earlier. You believe this might be your last chance. “RYUJI!” He looks at you weakly. “THE KAZOO” You see Ryuji look at the kazoo and pull it out. “PLAY IT!!!” He looks at you, confused as hell. “WHY?!?!” You give Ryuji a death glare. “JUST DO IT!!!!” He rolls his eyes as he puts the kazoo in his mouth, and blows it. After Ryuji blew the kazoo, suddenly time stops. (Insert kazoo you will know our names) You are confused. You look up to see a bright light appear before you. You think your time has finally come. You think you died, but you see a tall, blonde haired figure with a huge sword descend from the red skies of hell. As you see this beautiful, manly god descend, you see that he is t-posing. His entrance is so dramatic, but so beautiful. You get a glimpse of his face, and you recognise who he is. It’s Shulk. When you finally see him touch the ground, light flows throughout the hotel. You stand up and look down to see that you and Ryuji are no longer in those horrible black butler cosplay outfits, but in your palace outfits. You look to see that the wounds You, Ryuji, and Morgana have gotten have been healed. The sky stops beaming white as Shulk walks over to you. He takes out his sword and slices the chains in half, and does the same thing to Ryuji. The red around your wrists disappear, as the chains that once held you and Ryuji captive open and fall off your wrists. He then charges towards onision and screams “BACKSLASH!” You watch onision get sliced in half, and it’s a perfect cut! Onision explodes. You would hope to get money from him like the shadows you defeat in the palaces and mementos, but you remember that he has no patreon. Shulk puts his glorious Monado away and looks at you. “I am Shulk. The god of all gods.” You stare in awe at Shulk, actually realizing he was here. Shulk was your religion, and your god. “I haven’t been summoned since the great depression.” You look at him and smile. “Shulk, my friends and I need your help. We need to destroy this hazbin hotel to save hell and ourselves, but we can’t do it alone.” Shulk softly smiles. “Leave it to me!” (Kazoo You will know our name ends and proceed with Kazoo Giorno’s Theme) Time seems to start back up again, and we’re back to ending the hazbin hotel. Shulk seems to already have a plan in mind. “Joker, Ryuji, Morgana, I’m going to go and look for the book, and when I get it, I’ll use my Monado to destroy the hotel on my way down. While I’m gone, I trust you can use your personas to defend yourselves. It shouldn’t take me long anyways.” Ryuji looks at Shulk and says, “How did you know about the book Shulk?!?!” He looks at Ryuji. “I’m an immortal god, Ryuji. I am undefeatable. I am inevitable.” You look at Shulk as he puts his hand in the middle of the group. “HANDS IN EVERYONE!” Everyone puts their hands in as Shulk gives off the most badass vibes you can imagine. “LETS KICK SOME ASS!!!” You all cheer as you throw your hands up in the air. It’s finally time. “What do we do, leader?” You turn and see Ryuji and Morgana doing Jojo poses as they make direct eye contact with you.” You Jojo pose with them as you yell, “Ryuji! MAKE SURE THAT SPIDER DOESN’T LIVE TO SEE ANOTHER DAY IN HELL. Ryuji smiles menacingly. ” I’ll deal with the furry hotel owner and the radio demon. Morgana, come with me.” Everyone runs off to go and fight. As you run up to Charlotte, her eyes turn red. “I guess I’ll have to be my true self!” She then transforms into a furry. You scream “PERSONA!” and use the curse ability on her, which actually works. You look at her as she screams, her fur lighting on fire. You watch her take off her furry suit only to see that Charlotte was... Onision? He stands up and takes off his furry suit, leaving him only in his boxers. “IS THIS WHAT YOU WANT?!?! ALL I WANT IS MY PATREON BACK!!!” Then out of nowhere, you see him grab kambucha out of nowhere. You look as he opens the cap and shoots the alcohol at you. You dodge, watching as the kambucha hits the bar, disintegrating it. He pulls out another bar and keeps shooting the kambucha at you. You keep dodging, noticing that he’s holding more kambucha? But in his boxers? “One hit of it should do the trick.” You think to yourself. Onisions runs out of his nasty kumbucha, giving you the chance to strike. You run towards onision and kick the bottle up in the air. You look as he tries to grab the bottle, leaving him vulnerable. You grab the kumbucha that’s in his boxers as quickly as possible before he has the chance to grab it. You keep screaming “NO HOMO NO HOMO NO HOMO NO FUCKING HOMO!!!” He runs at you swiftly but before he has the chance to kill you throw the kumbucha all over him. He pauses. You look at him, utterly terrified. “My patreon… my hotel..” He literally starts to disintegrate until he turns into a little fetus. You look at him in disgust as you spit on him  “I never liked furries. They always gave me a reason to enjoy hunting season.” You watch as onision curls up and turns into stone. After that unnecessary breakdown, you turn around and head to the radio demon. From Ryuji’s perspective, Angel dust is trying to hit on Ryuji, AGAIN. “Come on Ryuji? Are ya sure you don’t wanna have some fun? It’s a once in a lifetime offer!!” Ryuji knew angel dust wasn’t gonna kill him. He was just a thot for Ryuji. Ryuji knew there was no place in hell for thots. He had to destroy all thots, starting with angel dust. Angel dust then wrapped his arms around Ryuji, making him snap. “PERSONA!” Ryuji automatically uses deathbound on angel dust, breaking all of his eight legs. Ryuji then uses his most powerful electric move, turning him into actual angel dust! Well spider dust. Ryuji then threw up again, but out of relief? Ryuji sits down in exhaustion and blows away the dust as he pants ”All…spiders...are thots.” You stop for a brief moment to see Ryuji lying on the ground. He smiles at you and lifts his thumb up high in the air. You smile and lift your thumb high in the air as you share a bro moment before heading over to the radio demon. You finally meet face to face with the radio demon. “WE MEET AGAIN.” You’ve had enough of him. “This will be the last time we meet radio demon.” He laughs at you as he says “THIS WILL BE EASY.” “NOT IF I CAN HELP IT!!” You grab your knife and throw it at the radio demon, hitting him perfectly in the head, knocking him to the ground. “Your time’s up, radio demon.” You grab your knife and walk away, only to feel the ground shake. You see the radio demon get up as he says “ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. PLAYTIME IS OVER.” He summons demons that look just like him. “PERSONA!!” You try to use all of the abilities you have, but it’s no use. You’re getting tired. Your SP points are getting low. You look over to Ryuji and Morgana who run over to help you, but they seem to be struggling just as much. “RYUJI! MORGANA! RUN! GET OUT OF HE-” You’re grabbed by the radio demon mid sentence and lifted into the air until you reach his face. “Say goodbye to your friends. You look at Morgana and Ryuji who have been overtaken by the little radio demons, and you feel like it’s finally over. As you begin to finally accept you fate, you suddenly feel a godlike presence. Shulk is here. You start laughing because the radio demon is about to die. The radio demon looks at you displeased. “WHAT IS SO FUNNY, JOKER?” You wipe away your tears as you menacingly smile at him. “It’s not me that’s gonna kill you. I just came here to tell you, OMAE WA MOU SHINDEIRU.” (Insert giorno’s theme meme) Suddenly, Shulk comes from behind the radio demon, slicing him in half before the radio demon even had time to react. “ BACKSLASH!!!” Shulk raises his Monado in the air and slices him again. “BACKSLASH BACKSLASH BACKSLASH BACKSLASH BACKSLASH BACKSLASH BACKSLASH BACKSLASH BACKSLASH BACKSLASH BACKSLASH BACKSLASH BACKSLASH BACKSLASH BACKSLASH BACKSLASH BACKSLASH BACKSLASH BACKSLASH BACKSLASH BACKSLASH BACKSLASH BACKSLASH BACKSLASH BACKSLASH BACKSLASH BACKSLASH BACKSLASH BACKSLASH BACKSLASH BACKSLASH BACKSLASH BACKSLASH BACKSLASH BACKSLASH BACKSLASH BACKSLASH BACKSLASH BACKSLASH BACKSLASH BACKSLASH BACKSLASH BACKSLASH BACKSLASH BACKSLASH BACKSLASH BACKSLASH BACKSLASH BACKSLASH BACKSLASH BACKSLASH BACKSLASH BACKSLASH BACKSLASH BACKSLASH BACKSLASH BACKSLASH BACKSLASH BACKSLASH BACKSLASH!!!” As Shulk lands on the ground, he puts the Monado on his back. The radio demon falls and lets go of you as Shulk catches and gently puts you on the ground. The little radio demons let go of Morgana and Ryuji. You’re ready to finish this once and for all. (Insert kazoo avengers theme) The radio demon weakly gets back up. He points his finger towards you, summoning a huge army of little radio demons, commanding them to attack you. Shulk looks at the radio demons then back at you. “We can do this. As luck, I grant you some of my immortal power.” Shulk then proceeds to do the most hardcore gang sign ever, granting immportal power to you and your fellow phantom thieves. Shulk then turns and grabs his monado, holding it out towards the army of radio demons. “LET’S FINISH THIS FOR FUCKS SAKE!!!” You all charge towards the radio demon army, screaming battle cries like you’ve never done before. “BACKSLASH!” PERSONA! P.K FIRE! aaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!” You feel so much immortal power running through your veins. You, Ryuji, and Morgana are just killing the little radio demons with ease. Your persona has never felt so much power before you feel like you are above level 99. Shulk is casually slashing away at demons, and Morgana and Ryuji are bonding! Shulk BACKSLASHES his way over to you and tells you his plan. “I’m going to launch you to the radio demon since he’s weak. One more hit, and he should be done for.” You nod as he grabs your hand and flings you across the room. Your right hand starts to glow white as you head straight for the radio demon. You scream your last battle cry as you hit the radio demon in the face, basically killing him with Shulk’s immortal power. His power was too much it even wiped out all of the mini radio demons. It was finally over. You walk up to the radio demon to see he is almost dead. Instead of saying something cool, You decide to flip him off. “Hey guys! He’s almost dead!” You scream to Morgana and Ryuji. They run over to you, and the three of you, including Shulk start doing Fortnite dances over his dying body. Before the radio demon dies, he looks you and the rest of the gang, and simply says, “Fuck you.” Shulk gets annoyed and says “Oh my GOD SHUT THE FUCK UP ALREADY!!!” as he grabs His Monado once more and uses it on the radio demon. A random narrator comes out of nowhere. “And like that, Charlotte, Angel dust, onision 1 & 2, and the radio demon have retired." After the entire crusade is done, you walk over to Shulk. "Hey, do you have the book?" Shulk smiles at you and pulls out the book. "I used my immortality to keep this book safe." You smile with glee until you feel the hotel shake. Debris starts to fall from the roof as Shulk says "Shit we gotta get outta here." Morgana doesn't waste any time as he morphs into a car and scream "GET YOUR ASSES IN THE CAR!" You, Ryuji, and Shulk all jump in without hesitation as Morgana speeds out of the hotel entrance. "Why not have a bit of fun?" Says Morgana as he turns around and straight up drives through the hotel, leaving cracks and holes by the lobby, leaving it to finally fall as you drive away. As you drive away, you see the hazbin hotel start to fall. Thank God. A hotel full of rainbows and furries doesn't belong in a place like hell. You look back to the front as Ryuji screams "THAT. WAS. AWESOME!!!!!!! HIGH FIVES ALL AROUND!!! You share your first bro moment with shulk as you high-five an actual god. "Where to next?" Says Shulk. "Our next target is the Immediate Murder Professionals. I already have a location on the company and we should be there in 15 seconds." Says Morgana. Within exactly 15 seconds, Morgana drives into a building almost killing everyone inside. As you get out of the car with everyone else as Morgana morphs back into his palace form, you see 3 demons and a furry walk up to you. "May I ask, who the hell are you?" You look at them and see that they were probably just in a meeting. "I'm Joker, and these are my friends, Morgana, Ryuji, and Shulk. And you?" "I'm Blitz, the furry over there is Loona, and then those two cringy ass love birds over there are Moxy and Milly. We were having a meeting about a book that was stolen from us a few weeks ago that "belonged" to us. It's a book that allows us to travel between to the mortal realm. We're trying to find a way to get it back." Shulk walks over to Blitz. "Well you're in luck because we brought you something." Shulk walks up to the demons, and uses his immortal god powers to summon the book. Blitz looks at Shulk and freaks out. "Where the FUCK did you get that book?!?!" Shulk hands the book over to Blitz and says "That gay ass hazbin hotel that we just destroyed." Loona walk over and grabs the book from Shulk. "Well shit, I guess there is a God." Millie then goes up to Blitz and says "Wow, you're one helluva boss!" Moxie just rolls his eyes. Blitz looks at you and the rest of the gang. "Is there anything I can do in return? Perhaps a one night stand?" You now feel Ryuji's pain as you start to feel nauseous. "No thanks. We just want to go back to the mortal realm." He squints his eyes as his eyes glow a demonic red as he then shouts "We can do that instead!" We'll go get the portal ready. MOXIE, MILLY, LOONA, GET YOUR ASSES OVER HERE!!!" You turn around to look at Shulk, the god you've worshipped since childhood. "I'm really gonna miss you Shulk." Ryuji and Morgana butt in crying. "WE'RE GONNA MISS YOU TOO!!!" Shulk closes his eyes and softly smiles."Here. I want you to have this." Shulk takes out his kazoo, puts it in your hand, and closes it. "Just blow on this kazoo, and you can visit me anytime. I'll even take you up to the heavens to see my place. Next time you summon me, let's play Uno." You start to tear up as you smile and just simply say, "Ok." You watch as light appears before Shulk as he floats up into the air and forms his t-posing position. He ascends into the light, and then disappears. You, Morgana, and Ryuji all hug each other and share a bro moment as you try not to cry. Blitz comes over to you and says "HEY FUCKERS! YOUR SHIT IS READY!" You look at Ryuji and Morgana. You know you're all ready to finally go home. You follow Blitz over into a dark room where the book has been opened. Lying in the middle of the pentagram is an Elf On The Shelf. “We had to sacrifice something to open the portal so I used and Elf On The Shelf that we stole from a child we killed weeks ago. It suits hell perfectly.” The Elf On The Shelf starts to float in the air, and then explodes, opening a portal to the mortal realm. "Thanks, Blitz." He looks at you and smiles. You, Morgana, and Ryuji all hold hands as you jump into the portal together sharing the biggest bro moment you've ever had. After a couple seconds, you all wake up outside of the Ramen shop right where you and Ryuji exploded, with Morgana waking up right next to you. You all stand up, and you're all finally glad you're home. Ryuji gets up and stretches his arms as he says "Oh boy, what an adventure!!! So, do you guys want to play some Raid: Shadow Legends?!?!" You all scream at the same time "FUCK YEAH!!!!!"


(Proceed to play africa by kazoo)

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