You dont have to ask me twice!

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'Whew. That was a close'. Kara mumbled under her breath as she sighs, exiting the building. She dislikes the fact that she constantly lies to her best friend. But right now, with all the threats, it's probably best to keep her safe. Once Kara was out of the building, she quickly changed into her supergirl suit, flying off to the scene.

As Supergirl landed, people were screaming, bleeding, running every where. It was honestly a horrific sight to see. Fortunately, Supergirl was able to get everyone to safety. Some with minor issues and only a couple that were severe. Once the ambulances came, Supergirl scanned the area for anything suspicious. With that being said, an alien drops from the sky and in front of her.

"Who are you?" She asks. The alien didn't answer. Instead, he began walking closer to the Kryptonian. Kara would tighten her fists, preparing herself for anything when suddenly a very high pitched noise comes out of no where. She instantly falls to her knees, covering her ears basically screaming as the noise continues to escalate louder. This turns into a huge migraine.

The alien reaches Supergirl, with her now on the ground, still covering her ears from the loud pitch. It's a curse and a blessing to have super hearing. Her hands were covered in blood from where it make her ears bled, the noise finally stopped and Supergirl let out a very relieved sigh. That was before the alien before her punched her jaw line, bringing before him, the Girl of Steel unconscious. The crowd that was around the wreckage couldn't do much at this point, so they just stood by with their phones out, recording. After Supergirl was down, the alien grabs her and takes off with a huge jump then suddenly disappears.

As Kara left, everyone was basically not trying to act suspicious, which made it even more skeptical. In hope to change the subject, or see if she can figure what is going on, Lena changes the subject. "Anyone want more wine?" She offers as she sets down her uno cards, grabbing her wine glass and head over to the island. Alex instantly puts her cards down, grabbing her glass and basically making a run for it. "You don't have to ask me twice." Alex says with a smile.

Lena watched as Alex pours the two another glass of wine. The thought of Kara has been itching Lena's brain. "Is everything okay with Kara? She randomly leaves at random times and doesn't come back for hours." As Lena asks that, She can see the expression in Alex's face shift. Lena could not help but wonder why everyone is acting so strange. After a pause she finally answers. "Oh, psh." Lena could tell she was hiding something, she kept glancing at the others sitting down probably trying to find an excuse.

As Alex could not come up with something, Lena decides to speak. "Is she in some type of trouble? Does she need help?" Alex shakes her head, "Kara is fine. She's just.. going through a lot." Alex slightly pauses before resuming. "And sometimes she gets overwhelmed. She gets very embarrassed about it."Alex says as she takes a rather large sip of her wine. That was a half lie half truth. Lena's face relaxes as Alex explained. "How come she couldn't just tell me?" Lena, of course, feeling a little sad that the blonde didn't feel comfortable telling Lena this. They were best friends after all.

Alex sighs quietly and smiles, trying to shrug it off. "Trust me, she barely likes to talk to me about it." She placed her hand on Lena's shoulder, trying to give Lena the vibe that it isn't her or anything like that. "Now how about round two at charades?" Alex says with excitement as she raises her glass, heading back to the table with the full bottle of wine in her other. Lena follows shortly after, still getting the upset feeling in her stomach but decides to shrug it off for the remaining time at game night.

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