Chapter Twenty Three: The Tour

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Four and a half months after the event:

"So you actually have full sized vehicles that people our size can drive now?" Grant asked looking up at the huge black SUV sitting in Clyde Jensons barn. There was a tow truck sitting beside it. "We're planning on outfitting the tractor the same as these. Got a couple people that wanna try and start making ethanol and bio diesel. We plan on harvesting some of the corn in mine and neighboring fields. We also need feed for our livestock" Clyde told Grant.

They had just left the massive storage rooms that the houses cellar and stormshelter had been converted into with its mountain stacks of canned and dry goods. So far he'd seen the farms massive cloth making operation, makeshift caffeteria, greenhouse/jailhouse, the chickencoup/stables (the people here had taken to riding chickens like they might have a horse), the security patrol office, the ham radio room, the town market, . . . This little farm/town seemed to have everything. Everywhere he went everyone seemed to know or have heard of him. Everyone greeted him with a warm welcome and thanks for things he didn't even remember doing. After seeing everything and talking with everyone now he was starting to feel it. For the first time in months he was exhausted.

"I'm tired, can we rest for a little bit before we go some were else?" Grant asked. "Sure let's go back up to the Ham room I have some people who want to talk to you" Clyde told him.

They made their way back to the room where the Ham radio was kept. Inside a couple of familiar faces were there to greet him. "Well look what the cat dragged in" Johnny Winthral said" you can't get more literal than in your case Grant" he quipped. "How are ya Johnny" Grant said reaching to shake his hand. "Hey boys" he said shaking Frank and Robs hands"it's great to see you guys, what have you been up to?" Grant asked. "Well we're the cats that dragged your sorry behind in" Frank said as he and Rob laughed. "For real well I guess thanks are in order then" Grant said. "No need. You've helped more than your fair share of people, it was high time you got a helping hand" Rob said. "Well thank you anyway guys" Grant said.

"You look tired, has old man Jenson over here been running you ragged?" Frank asked Grant with a grin. "I'm exhausted, I think it's just gonna take a few more days to get back to normal" Grant replied. "Well your gonna have to hurry that recovery up if your gonna help us make all these deliveries" Johnny said seriously. "People need these supplies and right now we're the only ones who can supply them" he went on. "What deliveries, what supplies are you talking about?" Grant asked confusedly.

Everyone looked at the farmer quizically. "You mean you haven't asked him yet? Then why are we all here instead of out there prepairing to leave?" Johnny questioned always the one to get strait to the point.

"Easy fellas it's his first day back in the land of the living. I was just giving him time to digest all that's happened to him. Besides I thought you guys might be better able to talk him into helping us make than me, seeing as you all know him better than I do" Clyde told all of them. "Excusee but what exactly are you guys wanting to ask me to do?" Grant asked. Frank turned to look at Grant " well I don't know if you realize it but we're not the only settlement in this region". "I figured that there must be others somewhere" Grant stated. "Well yeah quite a few actually, all up and down the Tennessee river valley. There are still large populations of people left everywhere as far as we can tell by those Clyde comes into contact with on the Ham." "But how?, I figured that with a catastrophe of this size a large part of the population would die off" Grant said. "In any other kind of break down of society that might be true but this one is quite different than any other. But it provides unique opertunites for us to help" Frank replied. "Explain it to him Rob." "Well in mist scenarios the world would be left we very little to go around resulting in mass starvation and lack of anti biotics to treat infections. Here because everyone has been reduced in size, the general need if the population has decreased" Rob explained. "What he means is that because we're all little there's plenty of food and medicine left laying around to keep us alive for years so the main problems are eliminated. The main problem left niw us security. Most that have died have been killed by lawlessness or wild animals" Johnny told Grant plainly. "That's exactly right" Rob agreed.

"And security is something we're able to provide now, it's just a matter of getting it to them. That's were you come in Mr. Grant" Clyde finished.

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