Chapter Thirty: Rise

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One Week Later; Eight Months After Event
" We're here today to celebrate our victory over the notorious gang of criminals CatsEye. We also are gathered here to sign a mutual treaty of defense with the town of Sentral" Clyde Jenson addressed the assembly before him.
  He continued, "Today will  be the beginning of our restoration of civilized society amongst the area of our two cities. Our hope is to one day aid in the restoration of our disaster stricken country. A representative from the capital in Washington D.C. is with us today. Mrs. Lesley Horton one of the women rescued from the CatsEye Meat Market. She was amongst the envoy from the capital aboard the two tractor trailors that the CatsEye captured and employed in their attacks on our two cities. We will soon be in contact with Washington D.C. over satellite phone establishing diplomatic relations with our former government officials. Our hope is a mutual effort to try and restore some order to the chaos that is our lives now."
  We will further on utilize the supplies confiscated from the CatsEye that were originally on board those two trucks. Well that's about it folks I guess I don't have anything else to say so we'll go ahead and end this" Clyde Jenson finished. He walked over and signed a piece of paper displayed in the middle of the stage. The stage stood erected to the newly replaced fence section were the semi had wrecked.
  After signing the treaty Clyde walked to were Mayor Quimby had stood from her seat. They shook hands, and he moved down the row of seats shaking hands with the gathered officials.
  Mayor Quimby then walked forward and signed the treaty herself. She then began to speak we of the two town's would like to recognize those instrumental in the victory won at the Battle of Jenson Town. A line of people stood on the stage awaiting Mayor Quimby to continue.
She walked up to Dutchess as Duke rested behind her. "Tiffany Sentral The Two Towns would like to award you the silver shield for your bravery and decissivness in battle" Mayor Quimby said as she placed the necklace around her neck . " My name is Dutchess" the girl grumbled. " Your Uncle would have a cow if I used that name in public. " My uncle can go to.." "Easy youngin" Morris whispered comically suppressing a laugh. He watched as the girl eased her grip on her gun slung across her shoulders and chuckled inwardly. ' feisty just what Daniel  and Charles needs' he thought to himself. Soon the were placing a medal around his neck.
  Mayor Quimby went down the line to Brent Murdock, Justin Robinson, Johnny Winthral, Frank Johnson, Rob Bowman, Roger Tripman, Henry troutman, and Katlyn Summers. Finally she came to Grant. " To you Mr. Graydon Grant we award the wild shield for your extraordinary valor these last eight monthes" Mayor Quimby said. "Thank you Grant for all you've done" she said as she gave him a kiss on the cheek. He blushed not quite sure how to act. " Oooohee Grant I thank she's sweet on you Morris jested loudly. He watched as Tiffany gripped one of her blades and mumbled something under her breath. ' intersting' he thought as he laughed. "Easy youngin" he said. " You Be Easy Old Man" Dutchess said with a deep low growl in her throat. Morris just belly laughed and slapped her on the back causing her to drop her blade and  almost knocking her off her feet. Under his breath and in a dangerous sort of way he whispered to her " I'm badder than you'll ever be youngin." A cold chill ran up her spine and she felt fear she hadn't in months as she looked at him. He looked at her and just laughed again as he said " but I can teach you how to be as mean as I am if you want youngin." "Ok I think I'd like that Sir." she said quietly. "That's more like it youngin".


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